Любов в действие

Калифорния, САЩ


[Лос Анжелис] На 20 януари, Златна Година 4 (2007), с любовта на Учителя, посветените от Лос Анжелис подготвиха ястия с вегетарианска храна за хората в приюта Арморис, Санта Ана, Калифорния.

Прилагане на практика Учението на Учителя

От новинарската група в Лос Анжелис (оригиналът на английски)

On January 20, Golden Year 4 (2007), with Master's love, Los Angeles initiates held a dinner featuring delicious vegetarian food at the Armories Shelter, in Santa Ana, California.

Almost 200 people attended the dinner and there were some sweaters, hats, gloves, as well as personal hygiene items distributed to our homeless friends. Side by side, the sisters and brothers worked to help serve everyone as a feeling of love filled the air.

After the event our homeless friends rushed to express their gratitude, with many saying, "We've never been treated with such respect and love." The initiates collective reply was "Don't thank us. Thank God." One commented: "It's really great to have people in this world that care about others."