In practicing the Quan Yin Method, we use the inner nectar to
cleanse patterns accumulated through many lifetimes and thereby
liberate ourselves from the cycle of birth and death. Otherwise,
the mind becomes filled with habits, and with each transmigration
more are added. As these ways of acting multiply and become more
complex, it becomes increasingly difficult for us to escape. Only
the nectar of the inner Sound stream can cleanse these complex
patterns and render them void. Only when all the behaviors that
are capable of controlling our almighty power are erased can we
fully recognize our true potential. As we cultivate our spirituality,
we come to better understand that we absolutely don’t need
these things.
Many people stop smoking immediately after they’re
initiated because the inner Sound force erases their smoking addiction
and their true Self suddenly realizes that they don’t need
it anymore. I never compel them to quit; compulsion doesn’t
work. You know it’s very difficult to stop smoking. So how
is it that these people can quit immediately after initiation?
Some have been smoking or drinking for decades. It’s really
fantastic that they can eliminate their addictions all of a sudden!
This power is truly incredible! Some people don’t even need
to wait until initiation to change; right after seeing me, they
go home and rid themselves of all desire for tobacco, alcohol,
meat and secular things!
Some people are open-minded, so the influence
takes effect more quickly. But some are stubborn so the effect
comes about more slowly. We say such people have a stronger ego
and heavier karma. People with heavy karma have accumulated too
many habits life after life over a very long time. Some people
have been addicted to tobacco for many lifetimes so it’s
not easy for them to discard it immediately upon meeting me. Some,
on the other hand, have only been smoking for a couple of lifetimes,
or only in this life so as soon as they see me they no longer
want to smoke. It’s faster to erase the problem in such
cases. It’s just like clothes being easier to clean when
they’re not very dirty. Just soaking them in water makes
them clean. Some clothes have been worn for a long time, for many
days without being washed so they can’t be cleaned even
if you scrub them hard. So some clothes take a longer time to
wash, while others require a shorter period. However, you have
to use soap and water to wash dirty clothes; there’s no
other way. Similarly, there’s only one way to cleanse karma
— that is, with nectar. If anyone tells you that there’s
another way, they’re deceiving you! Regardless of the method
you practice, if you haven’t heard the inner Sound or received
the inner nectar, it’s useless!