kind of practice can I do to reduce my ego?
continue meditating. Also, the more you meditate, the more you
can tell yourself, “This isn’t right: Control it!”
Don’t give in to what your ego demands all the time. Because
it’s easy to blame someone else for our failures, easy to
get mad at everything, easy to give in to our own desires and
lusts. It’s easy. So just try to modify it and moderate
sometimes you’re in that situation, and you’ve already
done it before you finally discover that you did it wrong.
I understand. Then the next time, in a similar
situation, you’ll know. That’s how you learn; learn
by your mistakes. Forgive yourself, and learn from these lessons.
Because if you keep continuing to do the same thing again and
again, and you know it’s wrong but you continue to do it,
later you won’t be able to change anymore! It becomes a
pattern, and you automatically react. If you allow yourself to
be spoiled or bad, it will be big trouble later.