Panorama of EventsReport from USA, San Francisco Sharing
the Ultimate Teachings
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[San Francisco] From April 22 to 24, 2005, initiates from the San Francisco and San Jose Centers participated in the biannual New Living Expo, a fair comprised mainly of "New Age" exhibits and vegetarian and vegan food stands. And driven by their souls' longing, many spiritual aspirants attended the Expo in search of the ultimate Truth.
The initiates set up two booths, one displaying Master's publications and showing videos and the other offering food to promote vegetarianism. Thus the guests were offered several ways to encounter Supreme Master Ching Hai's wisdom and enhance their lives. Some visitors who had listened to Master's radio programs sponsored by the local centers were pleased to finally see Master's photo and get more information about Her teachings. Also, thousands of people received great service and nourishment filled with Master's blessings from the practitioners at the booths, who worked swiftly and with smiling faces.
The video seminar, which included the introductory video on Master Walk the Way of Love and Her lecture Face Life with Courage, allowed the divine power to reach many people. A beautiful vibration permeated the atmosphere at the seminar as countless spiritual seeds were planted in the minds of audience members.
After hearing about the event on the radio, one enthusiastic visitor had called several days earlier for more information, exclaiming, "Supreme Master Ching Hai is a great Master and Her teachings are highly elevated." He subsequently visited the initiates' booth on the first day of the Expo, was glad to see the brothers and sisters, enjoyed the vegetarian fare and said, "It tastes like food made in Heaven." Then over the next two days the man returned and attentively watched Master's videos, cried several times out of joy that his spiritual quest was over and told the initiates, "I've searched all my life for the Truth, and when I found Master Ching Hai at the Expo I knew that She and the Quan Yin Method were the ultimate." The brother then learned the Convenient Method and showed an eagerness to be initiated.
At the end of the event, the vendor next to the initiates' booths commented, "You people are the friendliest workers I've ever seen. I can tell that you truly work out of love rather than for profit or greed." After the New Living Expo, the participating fellow practitioners were in high spirits and felt great joy at having spread Master's teachings. From this experience they truly came to understand Master's aphorism "Helping others is helping ourselves."
Events Date Book To
keep pace with the planet’s ongoing spiritual elevation,
the local centers of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International
Association are holding more and more video seminars and
other Truth-sharing events worldwide.
You are welcome to join in these activities with your friends and relatives. For the latest schedule of our Truth-sharing activities, please visit the following URLs: |