Vegetarian Era

By brother-initiate Leron Rabinowiz, Los Angeles, California, USA
(Originally in English)
Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't
Eat Meat (Scribner 2001), author Howard F. Lyman offers
a compelling and credible case for eliminating animal-based foods
from the human diet.
After more than twenty years in the fields
of farming and cattle ranching, Mr. Lyman faced death from cancer
and a turning point in his life. Out of feelings of guilt, he began
asking himself whether he should continue with commercial cattle ranching
or spread the truth about the harmful effects of chemically oriented
agri-business practices and a meat-based diet on health and the environment.
In 1996, the former feedlot operator was a
guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show and shared his insider's views on
food production, the rendering process and the possibility of "mad
cow" disease spreading to the United States. (According to news
reports, the first cases of the illness were discovered in the U.S.
in December 2003.) After Lyman's appearance with Oprah, a group of
Texas cattlemen filed a $10 million lawsuit charging them with "food
disparagement," alleging they had violated a Texas law forbidding
someone from "knowingly making false statements" about agricultural
business. Such laws, which are discussed in the book, limit freedom
of speech and are as detrimental in their own way as is the consumption
of meat.
In Mad Cowboy Lyman
provides firsthand insights on the horrific operating conditions and
techniques currently used in many commercial farms, ranches and slaughterhouses,
clearly linking the use of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth
hormones, chemical fertilizers and the ground-up remains of other
animals (used for feed) to the spread of cancer, heart disease, high
cholesterol levels, osteoporosis, obesity and other ailments.
Along with health, the environment also suffers
as a result of these techniques, which cause large-scale pollution
of our air, soil and water, and in turn natural disasters such as
floods and droughts. In addition, the author describes the government's
powerful role in protecting large scale agri-business, which continues
to leave many family farmers and the environment in the dust.
The fourth-generation farmer also provides
abundant evidence supporting the view that a meat-based diet has a
negative impact on our overall quality of life, citing various research
studies and personal experiences to show that the best way to prevent
environmental destruction and end world hunger is to adopt a vegetarian
diet: "Let's not deny the facts or let our mind confuse the truth.
Meat kills. A plant-based diet is the step towards a healthier lifestyle."
As Mr. Lyman faced death, he decided to turn
his back on the destructive agricultural practices of his peers and
instead direct his attention toward the light by spreading the truth
and raising our awareness of health and environmental conservation.
Thus he provides a shining example for us all.
Inspiring, informative and powerfully moving,
Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't
Eat Meat encourages readers to alter their diets and
pursue a new path. The evidence presented also demonstrates that the
human race will enter the "Vegan Era" either by choice or
by force due to economic circumstances and environmental conditions.
Many things can be imitated but nature can never be duplicated so
let us strive to live in harmony with the earth and all its creatures!