Letters between Master and Disciples
Master’s Grace is Too Great to Repay
By Sister-initiate Li, China (Originally in Chinese)
Dear Master, You have opened up my heart, which was long tightly entrapped in agony, and have filled my heart with joy and life! Before I was initiated, my family and I lived lives steeped in intense competition. Every day we hustled and bustled at home and at work, feeling only tension and no freedom. “Mom, you’re terrible,” my children would say to me for I was always frowning and often criticized or even beat them, and we had difficulty sitting down together to discuss problems. On holidays, the children went to visit their schoolmates to escape my presence, and though they dared not speak their minds, they disliked and shunned me; so my eyebrows became knitted even more tightly together. Then as time passed, several deep wrinkles were carved into my forehead, reflecting my frustrated, bitter life. Each day I felt the heavy onus of having to take care of two children by myself, earn money to sustain the family, do the household chores and handle social relationships. Besides, I had to educate my children so that they would become useful and beneficial to the world, the country and the people. It all seemed beyond my ability! Although I went to bed late, got up early and took very little rest, I never seemed to have enough time. My children enjoyed being with their classmates and peers, followed new fads and were focused on food, fashion and worldly pleasures. And however much I tried to imbue them with proper concepts of human behavior, they showed no interest. I yelled at them and sometimes struck them, producing just the opposite result. So they became angry with me and the rift between us widened. I thus brought loneliness and frustration upon myself. Now I am very grateful to You, Master, for initiating my daughter and me, and for lifting this burden from my shoulders. You have filled my family with harmony and a close, friendly atmosphere. Also, since being initiated my daughter and I have become the best of friends. Now that we are on the spiritual path we support, assist, and encourage each other to meditate diligently. You have saved our souls and guided us on to the stairway to Heaven! Both of us have very good experiences as each day we practice steadfastly and sincerely. However, we shall not leave our heavy burden entirely to Master, but endeavor to share it and act as Your good tools. We will adhere to Your teachings and practice hard to reach Buddhahood as quickly as possible so that we may benefit the world and other sentient beings. Previously, I devoted myself entirely to my work and children, thinking that contentment came from doing my job well, feeding my children properly and making sure they were healthy, happy and accomplished in their studies. I didn’t realize that only when all sentient beings, including myself, are properly fed, healthy, happy and accomplished in spiritual practice can we find true satisfaction. Now, Master has taught me to love myself, my family, my friends, my enemies and all sentient beings. I am also following Her advice to bring happiness to those around me, for only then do I also feel happy myself. I now feel that I’m a contented, carefree spiritual practitioner and Master’s love is the source of it all. I’m grateful to Master for saving my soul and that of innumerable sentient beings. You have rescued the planet from imminent destruction and bestowed the Golden Age on all sentient beings in the world. I love our dear Master deeply and thank You very much. I also hope that all Your wishes will be realized, that You enjoy success in all Your endeavors and that You will always be healthy and happy. May Your teachings of the Truth pervade this world as well as all the other planets in the universe forever! Your humble disciple, Li ♥ |