Selected Questions and Answers
Q: I have a question about how to change limiting thought patterns. I feel as though my beliefs are the biggest limiting factor in my life, and the way I talk to myself inside my head limits the way I’m able to enjoy my life. M: Like what? What do you want to enjoy in life? Q: Well, I have very negative thought patterns. For example, I go for a job interview and start telling myself why the job is not the right one for me. Or, I’ll go out and date a guy, but within myself I don’t believe I’m worthy of... M: That guy? Q: Yes, the guy, the job, the money. M: I thought you said the ‘good’ is no good for you. Do you think the job is no good or that you yourself are no good? Q: Well, I judge myself inside and so I judge everything else outside as well. M: Maybe the job is no good, but you say you do that all the time? Q: Yes, all the time. M: Twenty-four hours a day? Wow! That’s very tiring. I don’t know how you’re able to still sit there and breathe. Why can’t you just let it go? Are you dating someone now? Q: No. M: Are you “dating” any job now? (Laughter) Q: No, I’ m not looking for a job. M: So what’s the reason that makes you think any job is no good? Q: Well, I start worrying about things like whether I’ll have enough time to meditate, whether they’ll be able to pay me enough money, whether I’ll be able to find a decent place to live nearby, just anything. And this is not just about jobs; it’s the way I approach everything in my life. It’s like I’m so negative in my viewpoint that I can’t let in the good things right in front of me. M: Well, it’s very positive that you recognize your own weakness. Q: That’s just it. I feel that everything I need is right here if only I could unlock some “door” in my brain and let myself accept it. M: OK. How do you unlock it? Do you have any idea? Q: Meditate more? M:
No, you meditate enough already. I don’t think you’re neglecting
your meditation. Just make use of your wisdom. You store too much in there
(Master points to the wisdom eye), and you don’t use it. So, every
time you go to a job now, when you start thinking negatively, push that
thought aside and think a positive thought to replace it. |