Creating a Compassionate and Vegetarian Global Village

Sowing Seeds of Compassion
in Rockhampton

By Brisbane News Group (Originally in English)

On the weekend of June 3 and 4, Golden Year 3 (2006), a group of Brisbane fellow practitioners traveled by plane to the regional city of Rockhampton to distribute the Alternative Living flyers.

At Rockhampton Airport, all arriving passengers are greeted with a huge welcome banner saying: “Welcome to Rockhampton: The Beef Capital of Australia”. When the initiates noticed the banner they sincerely wished that the city’s ‘claim to fame’ would change to a more loving and peaceful one.

The distribution began in the suburbs, by placing the flyers in locals’ letterboxes. Seeing that the houses were so spread out, it would take more than a couple of days to cover the entire 5000 households that make up Rockhampton. So the initiates came up with another plan: they placed leaflets on cars parked on city streets and in car-parks, enabling them to distribute more in less time. They also asked employees in some shops, like health food stores, if a handful of flyers could be left there.

At the end of their second day of distribution, when it was time for them to leave, the practitioners felt elated and are now looking forward to continuing the distribution of Master’s message of love and compassion in other Australian cities that have not as yet had the privilege of receiving the Alternative Living flyer.



Inspiration from a Compassionate Saint

By brother-initiate Dixintas, Tasmania, Australia (Originally in English)

Witnessing the deep pain that Master experiences from the suffering of animals, and feeling inspired by the fantastic worldwide response to the distribution of Alternative Living flyers, initiates from the Tasmanian Center in Hobart decided to travel 200km to Launceston, the second largest city in the north of Australia’s island state.

For two days we distributed flyers throughout the city. After receiving such a cordial and positive response, we decided to extend our distribution efforts to the neighboring country towns on the Tamar River to the Northern Coast. Later one brother continued traveling around the north and east coasts of Tasmania in his camping van, distributing the Alternative Living flyers along the way. The local people were very amicable after reading the Alternative Living flyer. One responded, “Yes! Of course we all love animals here.” “By all means, leave the flyers here,” said another, indicating the front of the counter, being pride of place. Another lady shop-owner wanted a bundle of flyers so she could put them into bags with the purchases of her customers. Altogether, we were inspired by the bright and happy look on the shop-owners’ faces after reading the Alternative Living flyers.

Our efforts in helping with the Alternative Living campaign were rewarded many fold. We have many wonderful experiences to look back on: the magical camping we enjoyed in some of nature’s most pristine settings, the companionship of fellow initiates sharing the same noble ideal, and the warmth of local people who directed us to camp sites and reminded us to pick up fallen tree branches for our campfire along the way. We had a great feeling of well-being helping with Master’s work and were impressed by the fantastic response from the relaxed and friendly people we met.


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