Selected Questions and Answers
God’s Kindness Is Ever-Present,
Even in Physical Disaster
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, November
21, 1999
(Originally in English) DVD #671 Q: If God is kind and good, how can you explain the Holocaust? M: How can I even explain everything else? God is kind, absolutely, even with the Holocaust. It’s just that we do not see the kindness the way it is; we expect kindness in a different way. We expect God to do things the way our brain thinks. But God has Hiers own wisdom and Hiers own purpose and plan for every single blade of grass on this planet and anywhere else in the universe. If you have the opportunity to ascend to Heaven and meet the souls of the so-called victims of the Holocaust, you will hear from them what bliss, joy, beauty, blessing and happiness that they received after they left this physical prison, the so-called body. They will not have any regret at all. It’s just that we have seen it with the physical eyes; we hear with the physical ears; we think with our physical brain; we feel with our physical heart. So we cannot understand. But if we go to Heaven and meet the ones who have gone there, nothing ever happened to them. The victims are not the Jewish people in the Holocaust. The victims are the ones who inflicted suffering on them. Because they are so ignorant and far from God, they suffer a lot for what they do. But the so-called victims enjoy: They leave the prison; they leave the limitations of this physical world. They have everything, absolutely! And they’re very happy. I want to tell you that. Whoever inflicts suffering upon another being is the one who will suffer, and for a longer time. It’s because of their own conscience, not that God punishes them. God never ever punishes anyone or any being. It’s just that we have our free will; whatever we choose to do, there’s a consequence. If we choose to inflict suffering upon others, that suffering will return to us a thousand-fold. And that’s the way we have to learn all the time. So whoever victimizes us, whoever treats us badly, bless them, because they will be in trouble. (Applause) That’s why in the Holy Scripture, it is said, “Love
your enemies,” because they really, really need love. They really
need it so much! They lack it; they don’t have it. They are so short
of it. That’s why they can do all these terrible things to other
brothers and sisters. The ones who are victimized will be loved by God,
will be welcomed by God, will be comforted and will be compensated a thousand,
million-fold to make up for their suffering. So they will be the ones
who gain much, much, much. I hope I make myself clear. (Applause) Thank