Beautiful People and Beautiful Events
As an environmental lawyer and human rights activist, Ms. Romina Picolotti has dedicated her time and energy to improve the environment and promote democracy. In many ways Romina Picolotti helps the poor reclaim their rights, and she has been instrumental in challenging multi-national corporations over their policies. For these endeavors Romina Picolotti was awarded Norway’s Sophie Environmental Prize 2006. Gunhild Orstavik, of the Sophie Foundation chair, said in announcing the US $100,000 prize (Euro 83,000): “She shows how human rights operate not in isolation from, but intimately connected with the environment.” In recognition of her work regarding the defense of human rights and environmental issues, she was awarded the Peter Ciccino Award. This came in part due to her work to protect human rights of indigenous peoples in Nicaragua. She obtained an injunction from the Organization of American States against the government of Nicaragua to halt private ventures in indigenous areas of the Atlantic coast. This set a new precedent for advocacy of environmental issues at human rights tribunals. Romina Picolotti also worked with an international task force of human rights advocates in Cambodia. In keeping with her focus to address racism and environmental issues, most recently she has been active in representing Argentinean communities affected by the construction of two controversial paper mills on the Uruguay side of the Uruguay River. Romina Picolotti is the president and co-founder of the Center for Human Rights and the Environment (CEDHA). In a recent announcement, at age 35 she was appointed as the new head of Argentina’s Environmental Secretariat, soon to become a full Ministry. For all her ongoing commitment to protecting human rights,
democracy and the environment, Romina Picolotti ♥♥♥♥♥♥
is a role model for all those striving to make a better world.