God’s Loving Message
Well Received in
By Perth News Group (Originally in English)
On November 19 of Golden Year 3 (2006), fellow practitioners of the Perth Center set up an Alternative Living booth at a popular shopping complex called Harbor Town close to the heart of Perth City. Master’s sample booklets, Alternative Living flyers and shopping bags were given out free of charge to the public and they were well received by all. Responses to the Alternative Living message were dramatic and varied. A man remarked that animals would be over-populated if all people of the world were vegetarian. An initiate gently explained to him that if all humans were vegetarians, not only would the animals be grateful to us but indeed many environmental and world hunger issues could also be solved. An infrequent city visitor, who hardly ever came to the city (as it was a three hour drive from where she lived), was glad to have the opportune meeting at our Alternative Living booth and expressed her interest to understand more about the Quan Yin Method of meditation. She spent some time watching Master’s DVD and returned shortly after finishing her shopping for more magazines and information. A rough-looking group of teenagers with tattoos appeared to be uninterested in Master’s message when approached by an initiate, but one returned shortly afterwards to ask for Master’s book! Despite peer pressure, his inner search for higher teaching and divine love spurred him on to want to know more! How encouraging it was to see the interest in Master’s teaching our Alternative Living booth had inspired. It was so heart-warming to witness one little girl aged about eleven collecting many of Master’s magazines at our booth. She even came back for more and seemed to be searching for other items associated with Master to gather. Just before we had packed-up, she returned for the third time and asked if she could have Master’s DVD “The Real Heroes”! We were all touched by her inner quest and longing for Master’s words! We promised to send her more of Master’s books and Master’s photos to fulfil her predestined acquaintanceship with Master! Many vegetarians came forward and commended the volunteers from the Perth Center on their effort in spreading vegetarianism. Information on the vegetarian diet and vegetarian eating places were exchanged. Overall, it was a fruitful and enriching
day for all!