Save Energy Here is a useful tip that saves time and reduces traffic. If you coordinate your shopping trips with friends and neighbors, making one trip together to three or four stores on one outing rather than three or four separate trips, this not only saves time but also means that you will drive less. You’ll earn a star for being environmental friendly that way! (Episode 128) Car sharing is becoming popular in the United Kingdom. People are using online services such as and community centers, to find car sharing commuters. Car sharing reduces costs, reduces congestion and pollution, and improves access in areas with limited public transport. (Episode 159) Consider how many light bulbs are in your home. Now imagine how much you would save if they were all energy-efficient. One such bulb uses less than ¼ of the electricity of a standard model and can last up to 12 times longer, bringing you significant savings on your electricity bills and ensuring a greener, cleaner environment. (Episode 157) Conserve the Earth’s Precious Resources Did you know that you can reduce your water bill by up to 50 percent? Simply install low-flow showerheads and faucets and you’ll use half the water without decreasing performance. Now you can turn your hot water heater down to 50°C (120°F) and see hot water costs go way down. You’ll save money every month, and help conserve the earth’s precious resources. (Episode 187) Refrain from opening it often to check if the food is ready. The heat will stay in, less energy will be used, and cooking time will be faster. You can also switch the oven off a few minutes before your meal is ready. The oven will stay hot enough to finish cooking the food, and you’ll be saving energy for our planet. (Episode 156) Conservation Tips for the Winter With cold weather, we end up spending more on energy. One simple way for reducing your heating requirements in cold weather is to get some window wrap. This is a sheet of plastic that will keep cold drafts from flowing into a room from the outside. Make sure there are no curtains or furniture blocking the radiators - they will block the heat. And before turning up the heating, see if wearing a sweater or warmer layers of clothing can help. (Episode 151 and 165) Tips for Washing Clothes Instead of clothes dryers that use a lot of energy, why not use a drying rack or clothes line? In summer time, you will just love the scent of clothes dried in the great outdoors. In winter time, you can dry your clothes partially in a dryer, and then finish the job on a drying rack. The sun’s rays are good for you. (Episode 183) Keep Your House Clean and Safe Vinegar is an excellent cleaning agent against most germs, molds and bacteria strands. Keep a clean spray bottle filled with a mixture of 50 percent vinegar and water in your kitchen near the cutting board, and in your bathroom; use it for cleaning. The smell of the vinegar dissipates within a few moments and you have a fresh, germ-free home safe for you and the environment. It’s even economical, too! Simple solutions can be so beautiful, don’t you think? (Episode 146) Lemon juice, vinegar and cream of tartar, also known as tartaric acid, are all inexpensive ingredients you might have in your kitchen pantry. They help remove tarnish and other corrosion from metals; they also remove hard water deposits, and discoloration and corrosion from metals. (Episode 130) Baking soda is a common household item that can be put to good use as an environmentally friendly cleaning product. You can sprinkle it in your shower, bathtub or sink to help remove bathtub rings or deposits on the kitchen sink. If the stain is very tough to remove, you can make a paste of the baking soda and allow it to stand on the stain for 10 to 20 minutes before washing off. (Episode 121) Reduce Land Pollution
By using rechargeable batteries instead of disposables, you will save money and reduce land pollution in the long term. And if you want to help the environment further you can buy solar powered battery recharges. Sun energy is free to all of us. (Episode 135) Use Reusable Containers Use reusable food containers for leftovers
and lunches. By doing this, you’ll eventually be saving miles of
plastic wrap and plastic bags. Furthermore, why not use the reusable versions
of shopping bags? (Episode 193)