Al Salamu Alaykom, (Peace be upon you) My name is Aminah, and I have been doing Arabic translations for your programs for the past ten days. I just want to say, that for the first time in my life I get to see people who are so positive about life. Coming from my part of the world, positivism in life is considered to be, somehow, naïve. And at first, that is what I thought about you. I am not a vegetarian at all, but lately I am beginning to feel so tired about my eating habits. I keep thinking about the things you’ve said about healthy eating, and vegetarianism. I keep thinking about those beautiful parts of the world that are considered to be God’s heaven on earth. I feel that there has been a beam of light that has touched my soul, so deep within. I even woke up in the middle of the night to check your website; no actually it was 3:30 in the morning! Am I going crazy? I will always check your website for
what is new. Keep up the good work. Whoever said that a good word cannot
change the world! It changed me, for a start. PS: I especially enjoy the programs, “A Journey through Aesthetic Realms” and “Enlightening Entertainment,” and I would like to see you presenting more poetry and literature. I especially love those matters, as literature has always been a source of inspiration to me, and it also sums up the essence of human experience in life, bringing to our hearts the wisdom of the ages and times.