While on the Path
The Homeward Journey of a Wanderer
By Tunglestra (Originally in English)
Although I was half-initiated into the Quan Yin Method at age nine, I did not become fully initiated until thirteen years later. When I was younger, the meaning of meditation did not appeal to me. But, as I learned later, Master plants the seeds of experience that a child may not be able to understand. As I grew into my teens, I went abroad and lived with a host family in the mid-west United States. Their strong belief in Christianity and their regular participation in church activities showed me how people surrender themselves to God in serving others. During my teenage years, I rarely lived in one place more than a year. Yet wherever I went, I would constantly look for a friend I could put my full trust in. Although I attended a college church group, participated in school competitions and volunteered in a hospital, these social experiences did not really help me understand the meaning or the purpose of things in life would put before me. Master has often said, “When a disciple is ready, the Master will appear.” Indeed, in Golden Year 3 (2006), Master appeared to me in a dream with Her style that I recognized from childhood. That incident motivated me to search for Her teachings and to search for Her. With little resource, one day I finally saw Her online video. This was the moment of a new beginning - all the doubts and disbelief were washed away. Thereafter, Master has some ‘bread crumbs’ always ready on the road to strengthen me and to guide me back to the path. I had a misunderstanding in the past from reading newspaper accounts about why Master started to wear beautiful clothes. This was also cleared. Now I am more happy than ever to see that Master Ching Hai is beautiful. An enlightened Master has a perfect and balanced brain. The left brain represents logic and the right brain represents artistic talent and intuition. As an older disciple shared with me, if Master had not revealed Her artistic talents, how would I know Her perfection? Looking back, I can see that everything
was set perfectly in time. Only God knows the best time to spur the growth
of our seeds within. Hes knows everything in our world and the worlds
beyond; it was just me who did not know that God is always watching. At
last, I start my spiritual journey once again, walking this path with
the joy of knowing that Master has kept Her promise since years ago when
I was small - that She will never leave me until I reach Home!