By sister initiate Sonja Lewandowski, Munich, Germany (Originally in English)
My little companion, Uno, is a 12-year-old Chiuwawa Cross. She has been a constant friend at my side, sharing my laughter and licking my tears in times of grief. I always have the deep knowing that Master takes care of Uno the same way as She takes care of all my other family members. One day in October 2001, Uno’s hind legs suddenly collapsed. Her whole upper body was in so much pain that with every touch she would bite me. After extensive testing, the vet concluded that he could do no surgery and her paralysis was severe since she had no longer use of her bladder. He then advised me to put her down so that she would not suffer so much. I prayed and prayed to Master to help me find a doctor who could help her and it had to happen soon, because Uno was in great pain. The next day, I drove around aimlessly, while praying for Master’s guidance. In a holistic pet nutrition shop, I came across a lady who happened to know a vet who does acupuncture for dogs and treated dogs that were paralysed. We saw Dr. Hindmarch at the Acuvet Clinic straight away. Not only did he free Uno of the pain, he also built her first set of wheels that could be attached to her body. When Uno was put in the finished product, off she went scooting around gleefully as if nothing ever happened to her hind legs! Knowing I was a student, Dr. Hindmarch did not charge for the materials or the making of the wheels. He also allowed me to pay off the bill at my own pace. Thank You Master for all the wonderful arrangements. Since I had to express Uno´s bladder regularly, I took her with me everyday to the University of Cape Town. Over the years, the whole University got to know “Uno on her wheels” and from this time on, everywhere I go, Uno has been an inspiration and eye-opener that brings smiles to people’s faces. She has even been on the front page of a Cape Town newspaper.
It’s been 6 years since Uno became
paralysed and she has her third model of doggy wheels with improved design.
She is very healthy, strong and still plays like a puppy with her toys.
I love her with all my heart and soul. Thank You Master for letting me
share my life with such a beautiful soul- “Uno on her wheels.”
Note: Upon hearing Uno's story, Master compassionately requested to send US$2,000 to help cover the cost of Uno's veterinary bills, medicines and other supplies.