Supreme Master Ching Hai’s latest MP3s Lectures and musical compositions by Supreme Master Ching Hai can be downloaded in MP3 (audio) and MP4 (video) format via EdenRules site (http://www.EdenRules.comom ) and Celestial Shop (http://www.theCelestialShop.com). You can browse through the catalogue and listen to or preview the highlights before making a purchase. ~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~
No. 37-2 (Spoken in Chinese) Attain the Truth through Ultimate Union with “The One” Lecture in Penghu, Formosa, January 27, 1989 ~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~ No. 116 (Spoken in Chinese) Charity Alone Does Not Lead to Liberation Lecture in Taipei, Formosa, March 3, 1990 ~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~ No. 119 (Spoken in Chinese) To Love Others Is to Love Oneself Lecture in Tainan, Formosa, March 15, 1990 ~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~☆~~ No. 120 (Spoken in Chinese) Jokes about the 32 Holy Countenances Lecture in Tainan, Formosa, March 16, 1990