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A Heart-Warming Videoconference
- The Noble Wilds Book Launch and Together We Save the Earth Symposium By Formosa News
Group (Originally in Chinese)
On February 17, Gold Year 5 (2008), after two bestselling animal books, The Birds in My Life and The Dogs in My Life, Supreme Master Ching Hai debuted Her new volume on animals The Noble Wilds at the 2008 Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE). The book launch was combined with the Together We Save the Earth symposium in hopes of awakening the inner love of readers and bringing the public’s attention to the immediate danger of global warming through the book’s poetic words and nature photographs. Along with the TIBE audience and a group of Love Ocean Art Center visitors, viewers worldwide appreciated this beautiful event via a live broadcast on Supreme Master Television. Supreme Master Ching Hai honored the occasion by participating via videoconference and spoke to the audience about the book’s development and stories. Current Formosa presidential candidates, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou and Mr. Hsieh Chang-ting, both sent a traditional central scroll and congratulatory flowers to Supreme Master Ching Hai to help ensure the book’s success. Government representatives, distinguished scholars and the media also participated in the event and offered their best wishes for the book release. The government officials in attendance included former secretary-general of the Control Yuan of the Republic of China, Mr. Chen Yi-fong (1), Taipei City Councilor Mr. Chou Po-ya (2), the secretary-general of the Wildlife Protection Association, Mr. Shih Tsun-jung (3), the convener and secretary-general respectively of the Green Party, Ms. Chen Man-li (4) and Mr. Pan Han-shen (5), the director of the Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Mr. Tang Shiao-yu (6), the veterinary researcher of the Council of Agriculture, Dr. Ziang Fang-Zieh (7), and the chairman of Shabaviz Publishing, Mm. Farideh Khalatbaree (8). ![]() Shortly after the event began, Supreme Master Ching Hai appeared on the big screen and offered the audience Her sincere wishes for the new year. She was deeply touched and grateful that so many guests had cleared their busy schedules for the occasion. The audience was further encouraged when they saw Master’s animal representatives—Her colorful parrots. In Her opening speech, Supreme Master shared with the audience her reflections on becoming one with nature and Her intimate observations on the noble qualities of wild animals. She felt extremely honored to have gained the animals’ trust and a sacred knowledge of their unknown world, saying that the animals’ presence “expands our hearts, leading us to a beautiful meadow of life…merging with Nature, unspoiled and uncomplicated.” Master was also grateful for the precious information the creatures had transmitted: “It was like a fairy tale that unveiled itself, to let us know that life is the same to humans and animals, insects and trees and minerals. Life embraces and nurtures all beings with Love such that they can communicate and understand each other at a deeper level of consciousness.” In order to complete this great book, Supreme Master Ching Hai had to camp in the wilderness and bear freezing cold and sleeplessness, just to listen to the magnificent voices of nature, to communicate with the animals and insects. The guests were profoundly moved by Master’s intimate friendship with Mother Nature and offered their gratitude to Her for Her efforts to save the world and provide the public with the beautiful contents of Her animal-book series. Master felt touched and hoped more and more people would understand and respect the wild kingdom in the future. When asked about how we can make everyone known about the present crisis of the planet, Supreme Master answered that we can all try our best to awaken the world and promote vegetarianism by distributing informative flyers and airing information about global warming on Supreme Master Television. One journalist posed a question about the role of Formosa’s aboriginal people and the government’s attitude toward aboriginal cultures and values. Supreme Master Ching Hai explained that we should honor the aboriginal cultures because they have always been close to nature by living in it. Therefore, aboriginal people should be everyone else’s role model and can remind others about preserving and protecting the environment. Meanwhile, governments worldwide need to learn from the aboriginal people’s wisdom and adopt their peaceful ways with nature. As for the most impressive things about the noble wild creatures, Master said it was the animals’ loyal protection of and profound love for each other and the peace present among them. Supreme Master Ching Hai also sincerely hoped that all humans could protect their fellow creatures’ lives and preserve our amazing planet because it is the home of humanity as well as all other beings, and “we are all interrelated”: “Be it human, animals tamed or wild, be it insects or trees or minerals, each of God’s creations has a purpose to exist in the grand design of the whole universe. To protect any part of creation is as important as protecting a part of our precious body.” Regarding the present difficulties caused by global warming, Master said, “It behooves all of us, the more endowed and capable humans to act rapidly.” In addition, Master revealed some effective methods for helping to curb warming:
Moreover, Supreme Master Ching Hai said, “Each of us plays an important role in saving the world.” Finally, Master showed Her sense of humor and cut a vegetarian cake for the audience via the videoconference, and ended the event with a toast to everyone to congratulate them for their achievements in helping the world and saving many lives. The Noble Wilds was an immediate success on the day of its release and within three weeks reached the top of the Internet Immediate Billboard (General Category) of the Kingstone Bookstore. Also, media outlets such as National Educational Radio, CSBC Radio, Taipei Radio, Taiwan Indigenous TV, Era News, CTI News, China Times, Liberty Times, Youth Daily, Pacific News, World Tribune, TSSD News and d Government Procurement Bulletin, have covered the book. Many thanks from the depths of our hearts to Master for
once again putting into print the wonders of nature and for opening
our eyes to the lives of the noble wild creatures through Her tender
love and unconditional dedication. We wish peace and a noble life
to all beings! To watch the event online
on Supreme Master Television, please visit: |
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