On February 23, the world was saddened by the passing of Dr. Janez Drnovšek, Slovenia’s beloved president, renowned author and hero of countless people who shared his ideals of creating a better world. Upon being informed, Supreme Master Ching Hai set aside Her busy schedule and traveled to the Slovenian capital of Ljubljana to express Her deeply felt sympathies to Dr. Drnovšek’s loved ones and the nation’s people. There, Master was received at the Crystal Hall of the Presidential Palace, where she wrote in the Book of Condolences these heartfelt words:
In memory of the passing of this fellow humanitarian so loved by his people, Master also met with government officials and members of the Slovenian press, including Ms. Barbara Žgajner Tavš, member of parliament and representative for The Foundation to Help Children. Master presented Ms. Tavš with €10,000 to assist several hundred underprivileged children in the city of Maribor. She also gave €10,000 to Mr. Iztok Kordiš, headmaster of Waldorf School, to help fund a special project for students in need.
That week, Slovenia’s largest national television station, 24 ur, broadcast a series of programs on Dr. Drnovšek’s remarkable lifelong contributions to the world. The series included excerpts from the event launching the Chinese edition of the President’s book, Thoughts on Life and Consciousness. Master had participated in a videoconference with Dr. Drnovšek celebrating the book’s publication, which was broadcast live on Supreme Master Television.
Master was also interviewed by journalist Ms. Jadranka Tavcar for RTV Slovenian (1), another major national television station in Slovenia and for the newspaper Sunday News on February 26. During the interview, Master spoke on the issues of global warming, animal rights and spirituality. Their interview lasted for nearly four hours. Ms. Tavcar was very impressed by the kindness of Master, saying that she regarded Master as her own sister. Master also met with Dr. Zdenka Cebasek Tratnik (2), Human Rights Ombudsman of Slovenia, who is also a vegetarian. During their conversation, they discovered that they shared a common wish for greater social awareness about animals and their rights. In another interview with Ms. Katarina Trontelj (3), a regular contributing writer for the women’s magazine Ona and the esoteric monthly Spiritual, Master expressed the hope that we humans can address environmental problems by lessening karmic retribution. At the request of a journalist from the leading newspaper Slovenske Novice (Slovenian News) (4), Master shared Her recollection of meeting President Dr. Drnovsek: “As soon as we saw each other, we immediately connected and became friends ... I got to know him as a wise, heartfelt man.” Master’s meeting with the President at that time was to personally confer upon him the Shining World Leadership Award in recognition of his outstanding efforts and enlightened leadership in creating a bright future for the world and all humankind. Dr. Drnovsek’s last and ultimate wish for the world was expressed in his poem, “Peace and Goodness.” Following are excerpts of the verses, composed as a dialog with questions central to human existence and responses that reflect the theme of spiritual transcendence:
We join our hearts and love in respectful condolence to
Dr. Drnovšek’s family, his fellow leaders and the gentle
and kind people of Slovenia. Master’s loving words and unhesitating
assistance during Her visit to the country deeply touched those She
met. One could feel the Peace and Goodness in the air that was spoken
of by President Drnovšek in his last poem.