Elevation of the Soul
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest CDs
CD-CG21 (Spoken in Chinese) Master's Omnipresence Group mediation in Hsihu, Formosa October 15, 1988 Highlights: How can one be a true spiritual practitioner? Why have great spiritual practitioners throughout the ages always been afraid of people and have seldom imparted their method of practice to them? How should we pray when our loved ones are ill and suffering? What is the difference between merit and blessed reward? Why does Master compare blessed reward and karma to a golden cage and an iron cage? Is the magical power of the Monkey King the same as the omnipresent power of the Buddha? Why is the Quan Yin Method the highest order of science? In addition to answering these questions, Master elaborates on how spiritual vibrations can transcend the limitations of time and space, while also discussing the principle of being invisible.
![]() CD-CG22 (Spoken in Chinese) The Universe & the Stars Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa October 17, 1988
What rituals do beings in the superior planets perform to welcome their new Lord? How would one have the honor of being invited to tour the superior planets? How do laser rays cut off the invisible karma during the cleansing process in hell? When suffering earthlings pray, what tools do the superior beings use to help ease their pain? Master also mentions that while many Buddhas are teaching superior beings in the superior realms, They elevate Themselves higher and higher in the process. When on Earth, the more They are defamed, the higher They would rise afterwards.
CD-CG23 (Spoken in Chinese) A Speech Prior to Initiation Group meditation in Hsihu, Formosa August 18, 1991 Highlights: Why must people who have received initiation into the Quan Yin Method observe the Five precepts? What are the consequences of failing to observe the precepts? There are innumerable planets in the universe, some superior and some of lower levels. Do you want to know the level of the Earth? Even repentance cannot save people from the consequences of their wrongdoings, but why are the Quan Yin practitioners free of their karmic effect? Practicing the Quan Yin Method leads to two kinds of attainment—liberation and ultimate enlightenment. What are the differences between the two? Why was Shakyamuni Buddha revered as the king of medicine? What are the benefits of attaining ultimate enlightenment?