Brings Vegan Gourmet Dining to US
By San Jose News Group (Originally in English)
[San Jose] On July 13, Golden Year 5 (2008), the first Loving Hut restaurant in the United States opened in the vibrant city of Milpitas, in the San Francisco Bay area, California. The grand opening was attended by the honorable mayor of Milpitas, Mr. Jose Esteves, who graciously accepted the invitation to cut the ribbon. In the restaurant’s bright and friendly atmosphere, all dishes are prepared free of animal ingredients (vegan) and served lovingly, in a graciously decorated, pure and peaceful environment, giving customers a heavenly feeling. The restaurant is located in a popular shopping mall. Customers are attracted by its charming and inviting layout and do not realize that it is vegan. Upon seeing the animal-free menu, many guests are apprehensive to order, but are enticed to stay by the waiters’ loving description of the delicious food. After they eat the food, their doubts give way to appreciation and wonder. They tell us they had no idea that an animal-free meal could be so enjoyable and delicious! Often we see them come back with family and friends, even though they are not vegetarians. An increasing number of customers are telling us that they now realize that eating animal-free food can save the planet and are happy to adopt this new lifestyle that is quickly gaining popularity. More and more Loving Hut restaurants will soon be opening
around the world with a vision that all beings can live in peace,
love and harmony with each other and the planet. They will offer
gourmet cuisine that is animal-free and made with wholesome vegan
ingredients at a great price, presenting a starting point for those
who want to make the noble transition to a plant-based diet. It’s
healthier, it’s compassionate, it’s peaceful, and it’s
the only way to a sustainable planet.
For more information on the newly opened Loving Hut, please visit:
Responses to
a Constructive Information Package
By Hawaii News Group (Originally in English)
[Hawaii] From July 14 to 19, Golden Year 5 (2008), the Hawaii Center prepared and sent informative and constructive packages to their local elected leaders such as the state councilmen, city councilmen and mayor, as well as environmental groups, following Master’s constant reminder to keep spreading the great benefits of the vegetarian diet and global warming news.
The package consists of a summary of speeches from leaders around the world encouraging a more plant-based diet to address the serious global warming crisis, an article from Supreme Master News Magazine #194 that details the causes of global warming and its ultimate solution—vegetarianism, and a DVD with selected programs from Supreme Master Television on this subject. Within two weeks of sending out the constructive packages, the Hawaiian Center received enthusiastic letters from different government departments. Mayor Mufi Hannemann thanked the initiates for sending him the information and is looking to apply it to their 21st Century Ahupua'a endeavors. Calvin K.Y. Say from the House of Representatives stated he was very impressed by the list of persons who support the change and thanked the initiates for bringing the immediacy of the situation to his attention. The most encouraging letter of all was received from Senator Mike Gabbard, who wrote, “I’ve been a vegetarian for over 30 years and agree that a plant-based diet is good for our environment.” He informed the initiates that he and several other senators were recently given a “Compassionate Legislator Award” by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) for co-sponsoring a resolution SCR84 that requested the Department of Education to offer vegetarian and vegan meal options to students. The Department of Education expressed their support to this resolution and will move forward with implementation of its wellness policy. The school food service managers will provide alternative protein items. The Hawaiian initiates thank Master for Her blessings,
and will continue doing their best to spread the messages of love,
compassion and noble living to save our planet! ![]() Letters from different government
Reference: For details of the SCR84 resolution, please visit:
A Blessed Parade
By Boston News Group (Originally in English)
[Boston] On August 3, Golden Year 5 (2008), the Boston Center participated in Newburyport’s annual Yankee Parade, a two-mile walk that went through the center of the old Yankee town. ![]() Fellow initiates were organized into three teams. The first carried a banner printed with our Association’s flag and name, and a Supreme Master Television poster. The second had posters bearing the SOS – Go Veg, Be Green, Save the Planet message. The third held the Alternative Living banner and posters conveying the message about healthy living and the vegetarian/vegan diet. They marched through the center of town, passing out SOS flyers and DVDs, as well as vegan recipe booklets. Despite the rain, people remained alongside the streets reading the messages, clapping and shouting in agreement. The expression of happiness on their faces and their eagerness to accept the flyers confirmed that Master indeed had blessed them too! Both the old and the young chimed in as the initiates shouted “Go Veg, Be Green! Save the Planet.” Some spectators even proudly shouted back, “Hey, I’m a vegetarian!” Others requested to be given the flyer. The Newburyport Yankee Parade was an absolutely spiritually uplifting event! During the event, Master showed the initiates that there is hope for humankind, and that more and more people are becoming vegetarians - for the love of the animals, humanity and our Mother Earth!
5th Asian Festival
– a Flower of Brotherhood in Full Bloom
By Boston News Group (Originally in English)
![]() [Massachusetts] On June 29, Golden Year 5 (2008), more than eight Asian communities gathered to celebrate the 5th Asian Festival in Worcester, home of thousands of immigrants from around the world and the second largest city in Massachusetts. Performers and vendors worked and enjoyed a harmonious day with the visitors, setting a good example of brotherhood. Our Association members from the Boston Center took this opportunity to distribute Master’s SOS flyer and DVD as well as other materials on vegetarianism to the guests. Worcester’s mayor, Konstantina B. Lukes, and Massachusetts State Asian Commissioner, Neelam Wali, also attended the event and highly praised its colorful success. Dr. Sahdev Passey, Chair of the Asian Festival Committee, said that this community is like a flower “with its own texture, collection and fragrance; each petal representing a different culture.” The initiates pray that more and more multi-petal flowers like this will soon blossom everywhere to bring peace and harmony to our planet.
All Out to Spread the Urgent Messages
By San Francisco News Group (Originally in English)
[San Francisco] Due to the urgency of climate change, San Francisco Center initiates have been actively spreading the SOS message “Go Veg, Be Green, to Save the Planet” to the public through a range of mediums. In addition to handing out SOS flyers on a daily basis, fellow initiates arranged for two large billboards (14 feet by 48 feet) with the SOS message to be placed in the busy downtown area for approximately one month in June and July. The advertising agent of the billboard company was very supportive and gave the initiates a discount, charging only the minimum cost. ![]() On June 25, Golden Year 5 (2008), 125,000 copies of the beautiful SOS two-sided color flyer were inserted in the Special Community Issue of the San Francisco Chronicle, the 2nd largest newspaper in northern California. The sales representative of the newspaper also offered them a considerable discount. Since June 27, vibrant SOS posters (21 inches by 70 inches) have been on the back of 17 local buses and will remain there for two months. The original contract was for 15 buses but because the advertising agent was so impressed with the message, she included two additional spaces free of charge. In audio media, multicultural 1450AM KEST radio has been broadcasting the SOS messages for 5 minutes a day on weekdays. The program has been in place for several months and will continue. And in TV media, for a year starting in August on local public access, Peninsula TV Channel 26 in the San Francisco Bay Area, the SOS message “Go Veg, Be Green, to Save the Planet” will flash for 15 seconds every hour 24-7. The initiates thank Master for sending them ‘angels’ in the form of sales representatives, advertising agents, and other helpers who have assisted them every step of the way. They hope that the people of the world will wake up in time to save our beautiful planet.
Veg” Billboard on Busy Highway
in North Eastern USA
By New York News Group (Originally in English)
![]() [Connecticut] With the urgency of making
more and more people aware of the importance and the benefit of the
vegetarian diet in an effort to avert a global warming crisis, an
“SOS Go Veg” billboard is now up on I-95 in Fairfield
County, Connecticut, USA, which is one of the nation’s busiest
interstate highways. It is currently standing on this New England
gateway, with a daily traffic flow of more than a hundred thousand
cars, from July 23 to August 23. The 12’ 3” x 46’
2” message board reminds everyone to “Go Vegetarian, it
stops 80% of Global Warming” as well as the Supreme Master TV
website for further information.