By Japan News Group (Originally in Japanese)
“Stop Global Warming Seminar: What Should We Do Now?” This crucial concern continues to elicit widespread media attention, but few have explored the issue from the perspective of how individuals could contribute to changing the fate of the planet. With the understanding that small individual efforts could have a ripple effect, Supreme Master Television aired a live broadcast of the seminar held in the heart of Tokyo on July 27. The event attracted over 150 guests and was highlighted by a videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai offering inspiring answers to questions raised by distinguished guests.
Although the honored guests hailed from a wide range of professions, from academia and medicine to industrial design and corporate social responsibility, the one key question that came up repeatedly was what they, as individuals, could do to reach out to the public—to provide core information about global warming and spread the message of vegetarianism. Master pointed their way toward getting closer to the hearts of people through the media and the internet. She also expressed appreciation for their continuous efforts to awaken people to the acuteness and urgency of the matter. The last question of the seminar had Master painting a bright future for Japan should people make wise choices and the ratio of vegetarians surpass that of non-vegetarians. “Not just Japan, but the rest of the world as well, will change to a heavenly abode. The ice will stop melting. The Earth will cool down. All the things that were damaged in the past will be repaired by nature itself, by our own merit of virtuous life,” said Master. “Every action begets a reaction. If our action is good, the reaction will be definitely blessed. If we don’t kill, we will save our lives. So, if we stop all the killing right now, including war and killing animals for meat, then our planet will turn into paradise.”
“In Japan, there will be much more invention, more than even the smartest scientists could imagine in their dreams. The Japanese people are smart; if they could couple it with more inside wisdom and a virtuous merit in daily action—meaning a vegetarian diet and saving lives, going vegetarian with the intention of saving lives on the planet, our heart will become so noble and so compassionate. This will generate enormous positive energy and that will help our mind, our heart, to become more clear in the future. Japan, especially, will develop much more technological extravaganza that the world will be in awe again, and it will help the world to live a much more comfortable life, an almost heavenly life. We will have flying cars, which will be more convenient. We might even have flying belts, like other planets.” The audience took heart in Master’s
words that their actions could make a difference and together they could
create a country that Master has envisaged.