Special Reports
Save Our Earth Conference 2009 -
Another Big Boost for Korea and the World By Korea News Group (Originally in Korean)
Following last year’s successful conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai on the urgent issue of global warming, another big event was held in Central City Millennium Hall, Seoul, South Korea, entitled “Save Our Earth Conference 2009 - Protecting the Environment and Respecting All Lives” on April 26, Golden Year 6 (2009). The conference, supported by the Korean Ministry of Environment, was hosted by the environmentally conscious Chungnyunsa Publishing Company that printed the Korean edition of The Birds in My Life written by Supreme Master Ching Hai. About 1,700 guests participated in this grand occasion to discuss climate change and its solutions and celebrate The Birds in My Life becoming a best seller in the Poem and Essay section in Kyobo Book Centre, the largest bookstore chain in Korea. Mr. Jung Soon-Gap, who served as the Administrator of the Korea Meteorological Administration up until a few months ago, and is currently the executive director of World Meteorological Organization, in addressing global warming, gave a very graphic description of the deteriorating conditions at the poles and of many of the glaciers due to increased temperatures and their detrimental impacts on our world. He also explained how the vegetarian diet is both the adaptation and mitigation solution to this serious problem.
Dr. Michael Bascombe, an Australian animal telepathic communicator and veterinarian, thanked Supreme Master Ching Hai for giving him the opportunity to fulfill his role as an ambassador and spokesperson for the animals. He told everyone that the animals, “… are here to support us, are here to balance our mistakes, are here to balance our aggression, and they asked me to tell you, ‘Still, peace, harmony, joy. Be gentle to the planet, be gentle to yourself, be gentle to animals. Spend more time feeling the animals.’” He also said of the animals, “They forgive us. They are aware of our journey. The animals see who we are inside, they see how we are on the outside, and they’re asking for us to come Home.” During the question-and-answer session, Master patiently and lovingly provided thorough answers to a wide range of questions from participants of various expertise such as Mr. Lee Seok-Hyun and Mr. Kang Chang-Il, Congressmen of the Democratic Party; Mr. Yoon Gi-Hyun, renowned children’s author and lecturer of children’s story writing at the University of Seoul; Ms. Kim Ju-Hwa, Public Prosecutor (vegetarian); Mr. Na Young-Cheol, President of Ecology TV and CTN TV and the Director of the Korea Mass Media Club; and Mr. Kim Dong-Wan, Program Director of Arirang TV. Mr. Kim Dong-Hyun, a journalist from Chosun Ilbo asked about the role of religion in solving environmental problems. In responding to this very important question, Master said, “Religious leaders can give voice and strive to be a living example of the noble teachings according to their original founders, such as Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, Guru Nanak, etc … who espoused the compassionate vegetarian lifestyle. The scriptures from the teachings of these sages all emphasize the need to care for one another and be good stewards of our Earth.” Professor Choi Haeng-Sik, Vice Chairman of the Korean Law Association, Chairman of the Global Warming Emergency Measures Committee and a vegetarian stated that government law should ban killing and meat-eating; however, he thinks law enforcement is not a fundamental solution. Master agreed, “Animals have the same right to dignity and happiness as humans, so we have to bring the standard of the legal structure up to a nobler level.” She pointed out, “It is an inner quality that we can awaken and then cultivate. We can also encourage others toward these standards.” She suggested that like-minded thinkers can come together to urge the government to enact new laws, such as the Meat-Free Act or the Killing Ban Act that Professor Choi had mentioned. ![]() Master encouraged Mr. Na Young-Cheol, who is the President of Ecology TV and CTN TV as well as the Director of the Korea Mass Media Club, to continue with the work he is doing now, making a huge constructive impact on peoples’ lives and healing the planet, and especially to promote the vegan, because this is the one thing that everyone can do easily that makes the biggest difference for our survival. Yeo Sook-Dong, a professor at Korea National Defense University and a former Colonel in the Korean Army, was concerned about the conflicts between countries that are a result of global warming and how governments can prepare themselves for these kinds of situations. Master said that continued food and water shortages due to climate change are bound to cause conflicts for survival, and a compassionate, noble lifestyle not only benefits the planet in its reduction of greenhouse gases, but also opens up land and delivers crops to humans that were previously being grown for animal feed. Moreover, a plant-based diet saves immensely on water. Master praised the very enlightened reporter from Seoul Broadcasting System, Ms. Park Hyun-Jung, who asked about the relationship between global warming and meditation. She explained, “Meditation could be said to help counteract global warming in part, because most traditions of spiritual practice uphold guidelines that include a respect for all life, which means no killing, no causing suffering to others, and thus to be a vegetarian. With the world populated by benevolent vegan citizens, the…‘karmic debt’ from meat-eating is reduced, as will the devastating effects of such a diet.” Mr. Kim Dong-Wan, Program Director of Arirang TV, asked a question that was on many people’s minds, regarding the daily countdown on Supreme Master TV of the days to save the planet. Master confirmed that it is the number of days that we have left to save the planet and this number serves as a reminder and gives us a sense of the true urgency at hand. However, She announced some good news, “We have reached a critical mass, or a certain number of human beings who have kept the vegetarian diet or turned to the vegan diet. And when a certain number is reached, we call it critical mass. Then that critical mass will influence the other beings on the planet, all the humans…. It could mean that more people are open to change in their heart… to be more loving, kind and compassionate, and to switching to the life-sustaining vegan diet. This is the primary change which will save all lives that are still left, and the planet.”
![]() Dada Cittarainjanananda, Ph.D, an author, meditation teacher and vegetarian, asked Master’s opinion on the cause of the economic crisis the world is now facing from a holistic and universal viewpoint. Master replied, “It’s bad karma, bad retribution of our actions from many, many centuries, not just now. From a more spiritual perspective, of course we can see that the current global economic crisis is caused by our departure from the virtuous principles that we have learned from past and present Masters, such as the basic concepts of sharing and kindness, noble living and compassionate lifestyle.” She reminded everyone, “God has given the world an abundance of resources to survive in comfort, as long as we live within the principles of virtue, moral standard, which once again include no violence, no killing, no harming - ahimsa. And actually, this principle of ahimsa can be applied very directly to the economic picture.” Results of a Netherlands’ study showed that to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to make the planet habitable again would cost about US$40 trillion. However, they found that this cost was cut by half if all people reduced their meat intake, ate more vegetarian. And if people globally stopped consuming all animal products altogether – meaning the vegan diet, then the savings would be 80%! During the interviews after the conference, many participants said they were inspired by Master’s words and example, and they are determined to start the vegetarian diet, or to go completely vegan. Dada Cittarainjanananda was very impressed that Master was able to continuously transmit the same level of love and vibration throughout the entire conference despite the long hours. He was touched by Her messages and thought She is truly a great Master. Dr. Michael Bascombe said that the animals are very happy about the conference and they have another message which is, “They are a little bit exhausted … from our misunderstanding, from what we are doing to the planet, what we are doing to the animals, and to each other. They would like us to elevate our conscious awareness, they would like us to connect with the God within and be peaceful, be calm, and when this happens …, everything will reset and be normal … the environment can go back to being restful, peaceful and heal itself.” Following the delicious vegan buffet was a concert celebrating the Korean edition of The Birds in My Life organized by Mr. Hwang Ho-Joon, leader of the Woojunakta music band. ![]() The conference, which was broadcast by Korea’s largest national TV station, KBS, during prime time news, generated an enthusiastic response from audiences across the country. It was also covered by numerous newspapers and Internet media in Korea. Dr. Kim Kyung-Young, President of Rami Land Environment Development Research Center, was so inspired and impressed by the event, that about a month later, at a gathering at which she was the chairperson, she played a global warming video from the conference and encouraged all participants to try a vegetarian diet. Mr. Na Young-Cheol of Ecology TV and Korea Mass Media Club plans to produce vegetarian-related TV programs in the near future. We thank the Korean people for hosting such an enlightening event
and taking the lead in spreading the benefits of the vegan diet through
mass media. May more people embrace the compassionate lifestyle of
peace and harmony to save our planet.
To watch Supreme Master Television’s coverage of this videoconference, please visit: