By sister initiate Tracey, Redcliffe, Australia (Originally in English)
It is with much enthusiasm that I share a story of the great positive changes happening in my hometown of Redcliffe, Australia. I know that Master and the whole universe have been supporting me in the endeavor of introducing the loving vegan diet to the local community. After handing out leaflets with the SOS message in my surrounding suburbs for many months, I decided to gather some funds and do my very best to set up a simple market stall that could represent Master’s Loving Hut style.
After applying for the necessary food licenses and receiving the full support of my local council, I turned up at the community market place one Sunday, edging my way in with dairy-free muffins. News of the Loving Hut Express stall spread quickly, and many locals who had never been exposed to vegan food flocked to see the muffins that needed no eggs or milk. The whole day, the atmosphere was truly positive, including an angel musician Master seemed to have positioned near me who kept mentioning the Loving Hut Express on his microphone, bringing more and more people. Journalists from the area newspaper turned up, and I was in the paper the following week, with the headline “Vegan Food with Love.” I sold 170 Loving Muffins on the first day out and gave away the same number. In the following weeks, I surrendered everything to Master and with God’s grace, many unfavourable situations were turned to my advantage in the end. As customers began arriving in growing numbers, I used all the money I made to offer a greater variety of food choices as well as information to present to them. With Master’s presence always very evident at the stall, everyone loves it. I have been witness to people having their day uplifted just because of their visit to this little place of Love.
I have settled in a more permanent location now, and the stall owners around me are now eating my food and constantly giving me the thumbs up. Some have even asked that I not be moved because they say they have wonderful days being able to look across at the lady who is always smiling. With the increased popularity, my daughter has offered to run the stall every second weekend so I can attend group meditations fortnightly. She has also emptied her home of all meat products and is raising her child as a vegetarian. Both of us also have the tireless, enthusiastic support of my husband who assembles the stall and removes it for us every week. In addition, people have begun ringing me at home, requesting delivery of frozen food so they can have it during the week. I make vegan cheesy chicken pies and sausage rolls in traditional Australian style, which are in great demand. I have been contacted by a university that wishes to be able to purchase these foods to sell to all of the students. There have also been many orders for special occasion cakes. In addition, the local paper has called me twice, asking if they could advertise for me, free of charge.
In May Golden Year 9 (2012), my vegan peace pie was accepted by a mainstream grocery store for wholesale in response to great word-of-mouth stories. Within five minutes of being placed in their store on the first day, the pie started to sell. I now have a website up and running at to reach more customers. Every day there are more positive stories to tell and I feel I cannot remember them all. I work through the night cooking the food so I can meditate as best I can in the day, and this is my life now. My hometown is going through a major
overhaul; the streets are being repaired and there is a new and fresh
look coming. I keep seeing within myself that when all the rubble is
cleared away, there will be a Loving Hut cafe standing there in all
it’s glory for all God’s children to enjoy.