Up to Humans’
Real Standard”:
with Supreme Master Ching Hai
the Holidays in God’s Love
By Supreme Master Television
(Originally in English)
In the midst of the world’s preparations for Christmas
and the New Year, on December 22, Golden Year 9 (2012), Supreme
Master Television staff had the greatest honor and joy to be graced
with a videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai. Setting aside
precious time from her deep meditation, beloved Master filled our
hearts with gratitude and bliss through this most treasured time
with her. She looked beautifully radiant and was dressed in red,
the color of holiday cheer. For almost three hours, it was truly
Heaven while Master magnanimously answered our spiritual questions,
spoke about doing good for the world, and revealed more secrets
of the universe for the benefit of humanity.
Renewing hope in our hearts, Master spoke of the limitless
positive miracles that could happen, such as an all-vegan universe.
She explained, “Yes, why not? Everything is possible. It takes
some time. It’s a chain effect, you see? When our world is
good, many other worlds are good. So first we take care of ourselves,
then the world will become good, and the universe will become better.”
Master set
aside precious time from her intensive meditation to share her
boundless blessings with humanity. |
We asked Master what she had been doing during her days
before the conference and she graciously shared, “I've been
checking the universe. I'm checking what's going on in the world
and what we can minimize, what we can improve, and of course, always
in intensive meditation mood, whether I sit down or I lay down or
I am taking some time to walk around or playing with the dogs, always
focused on meditation, intensive meditational mood. And sometimes
I send assistants out to help the needy people and to give the homeless
some financial support, buy food for the food bank where I live,
also send Christmas presents to some people. I had to buy many new
houses for the dog pounds near where I live, and food and blankets,
toys, mattresses and whatever they required from that dog pound
center. I did that many years, over the years, not just this year,
but mostly anonymously, so they don’t even know me, they don’t
even see me. And the children, the orphans, I send them presents
and money to buy them new clothes and whatever they need. I also
ordered those disaster relief funds and activities and also a special
fund of US$400,000 for the homeless monks and homeless people around
the world. And I also do some important correspondence. …
You are doing these things, every one of our Association members
is doing this, and I’m also doing this. We walk the talk.
It’s normal by us. … I just feel their needs, so I do
it because of their needs. Just natural things to do. Just like
it’s a natural thing for you to like to stay there and continue
to do whatever you can, spreading the teaching or do whatever video
stuff that you’re doing for other people. It just feels natural
to you, and you’re happy doing that. Same, it feels natural
to me to help people, and I’m happy doing that, too.”
Master also shared some wonderful news during the conference.
She said, “My spiritual merit points multiply zillions of
times because of some special events and some special things that
I cannot share with you.” As of December 18, 2012, Master’s
level above the Fifth Level was at the 8,131,134,133,233rd Level.
Another amazing news was that the Earth would continue on for 8,331,171
years. She explained that this was because the Master Power is so
strong now and also said, “Thanks Heaven and thanks God for
all this merciful decree. Even though I put in effort, but the people
have been praying, as well. Other beings on this planet, not just
humans, have been praying and putting in efforts, small or big.
And Heaven has been merciful, as well.”
comforting an orphan Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
1995) |
However, she reminded that the planet’s life is
extended but “the screening process will always continue,
until at least humankind has changed to a better standard, to the
real human standard, with love, compassion, and peacefulness coexisting
together.” She said humans must live according to the basic
tenets found in all religions, which include no killing of other
beings. Master added, “The truth is, we have to make effort
to earn happiness on Earth as in Heaven.” When asked why some
people commit bad deeds yet still nothing happens to them, Master
said that although nothing maybe has happened yet due to leftover
good merits in store from previous lives, they will eventually have
to pay through bad health, accidents, etc. according to the law
of karmic retribution.
“I’m glad that you
honor me by your actions, by your love, by your true, genuine, caring
spirit. That’s what the practitioner is all about. It’s
not just about ourselves, that we should go to Heaven, but we bring
Heaven to wherever we live, or wherever we go. That’s the
best thing to do.”
~ Supreme
Master Ching Hai, December 22, 2012

In her deep meditation, Master recently has been checking
out the levels of spiritual consciousness of people on the planet,
and the levels of spiritual practitioners in our meditation group.
It was exciting news as Master shared that the levels of people
on the planet have been improving, and will continue to improve
as Master keeps donating her spiritual merits. For example, as of
December 8, 2012, 47% of the planet’s people were at or above
the Third Level. Fellow initiates’ spiritual levels have also
improved; for example, an astonishing 53% of fellow initiates were
at the Fifth Level as of December 8, 2012.
Master explained one of the wondrous ways that she was
able to have enough power to negotiate with heavens or with the
karmic law for the planet. She generously disclosed a universal
secret, which is the existence of Divine Connection Lines. She said,
“There is a thing called ‘Divine Connection Line.’
That is thousand, million, billion, trillion, zillions times more
powerful than Heaven Gates, Heaven Ways, and Spiritual Blessing
Lines and Spiritual Blessing Portals. All in the universe are connected
by these Divine Connection Lines, from the low earthly realm to
the highest heavens. It’s a wonder network. It’s an
incredible, intricate pattern of network. It is so wonderful to
know about it. I’m very happy.”
engaging question-and-answer session |
With the Loving the Silent Tears musical premiere
still fresh in everyone’s mind, and with all the feedback
from the cast, creative team, composers, and the audience about
Master’s profound verses, we were moved to ask Master what
her inspiration was for writing her poetry collection, Silent
Tears. Her answer was, “It must have been, like, 30 years
since, something like that… in the 80s. At that time, I was
just beginning my little mission, just beginning a little bit in
Formosa. So, I was just having a little more leisure time, so I
tuned in with all the humans, and then that’s how the poetry
came into manifestation, into the book. I never thought that there
would be a day when some of the greatest composers and some of the
greatest artists would make them into a big world stage like America,
suchlike Shrine Auditorium. It’s not in a million years
I would dream about it. Otherwise, maybe I would have polished it
more, made it more beautiful somehow, more elegant or something.
I just wrote it the way I felt. It just came out quick and that’s
how it is.”
shared fascinating insights about Loving the Silent Tears:
The Musical, its poetry, songs, and artists. |
When inquired about the musical’s influence, Master
replied that it “will go beyond
and continue when we spread it more out. And even before that, the
vibration, the frequencies of these verses and music will carry
through the whole world, like radio wavelengths. People’s
souls will understand it. Even if their mind does not grasp it,
people’s souls will understand and be uplifted all the same.
And this will continue to the next generations.”
We had the opportunity to share with Master some of media
reviews, audience feedback, and stories relating to the musical.
Master also revealed about how she came to write her song “Talking
to a Stone Buddha” which was sung by Chinese platinum pop
star and vegetarian Kay Tse in the musical. Master said, “…It’s
just at that time, it was very difficult. I was thinking only a
stone Buddha can be able to bear all this and still love the world.
So it came from the heart. I wrote it with tears – the tears
of a stone Buddha. The tears just came out, feeling sorry, sorrow
for the whole world. … That’s how the song came out.
Maybe that’s why people shed tears, because it’s a real
emotion, real experience, yes, real feeling.”
We shared with Master that after almost two months, we
were still receiving phone calls from people about the event. One
such call was from a teacher of Judaism in New York who watched
the musical live online and had also ordered the Loving the Silent
Tears CD. She said she cried several times throughout the show,
adding that “it was meant to be” that she found out
about Master. After downloading some of Master’s lectures,
she said: “This woman is incredible, incredible. She’s
got the right message, to bring the world peace and harmony. And
she knows how to convey it. Not many people can do that. It takes
me a lot to believe in something. And yes, I believe she is God’s
direct contact. She’s going to do something for this world,
trust me. I will definitely promote her message in the world.”
In response to a question about prana, Master had replied,
“You see, humans, we normally have high prana. But we reduce
it, the blessing, and reduce the prana by our less holy, less loving
lifestyle, like eating animals, drinking alcohol, taking drugs,
cigarettes, etc., and then the DNA keeps transferring from one generation
to the next. So, the next generation will also have less and less
and less prana. That's why we have to eat a lot.” Master proceeded
to share some of the amazing prana percentages, of herself, pranarian
individuals of the past, and many animal species.
have given up zillions of zillions of zillions of zillions
of spiritual merit points for the world to become better,
and the people to change from inside and for World Vegan,
World Peace. Still more I need to offer for this vision to
come true. But it will, it might come true. I have been intensifying
my meditation effort.”
Supreme Master Ching Hai, December 22, 2012
To conclude the conference, Master delivered a beautiful
message for the world:
“Now that we have saved
the planet, or the planet is saved for a long, long, long, long
time, we all should try to go more inward; focus more on spiritual
connection with the Divine within; ask for forgiveness from Heaven;
be more compassionate, more humble, more grateful to the mercy
of Heaven; and do more good for the world. The more good you do
for the world, the more good you will get. The more happiness
you bestow on other people, the more happiness you will gain.
It’s not like you do good to others, then it’s just
work for yourself, it’s not like that. Little work, little
effort that you put out for others will gain you many, many thousands-fold
in return of good merit for you. Now that we have time, the planet
is still there, we have time, we should think more about spiritual
side of our nature and get contact with it, and not to be too
indulgent in material comfort and greed and other things that
are transient. We should look more for the long, everlasting happiness
and true bliss within ourselves. Heaven is always here, within
us, if we go inward and connect with it.”
We are so grateful to Master for her guidance and boundless
compassion for humanity. We treasure this conference and the blessings
Master has imbued within it as the best Christmas present ever for
all in the world.
rare videoconference with Master was truly an elevating gift
for the whole world. |
In all that she does, whether in intensive meditation,
providing physical comforts and gifts for the less fortunate, offering
spiritual merit points for the world’s betterment, or imparting
her limitless wisdom through her gentle words, Master exemplifies
the holiday season’s true meaning of love, of sacrifice, and
of giving. As we pray for her continued best of health, may all
of Master’s steadfast efforts and vision for a vegan and elevated
world soon become a reality.
The three-part videoconference
may be viewed online at www.SupremeMasterTV.com/Xmas2012.