Master Tells Jokes
by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
International Gathering in Europe
April 3, Golden Year 9 (2012)
(Originally in English)
DVD # 1005 |
were three friends who lived near each other. One was a waterian,
one was a raw foodist, and one was a breatharian. The raw foodist
just ate raw. The waterian just drank water, and the breatharian just
ate the breath. Not the “bread,” the “breath.”
One day they decided to have a birthday party. So they had to also
decide who would host the party. The raw foodist said, “I’ll
do it; my house is bigger. I’ll cook, also.” And the waterian
said, “No, that’s nonsense. I’ll cook.” But
the breatharian said, “Since it’s my birthday, I’ll
So, if you see the three of them getting together to make a party
and if you still like Chinese food, stay away, because you’ll
have nothing to eat there!
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website to enjoy the original soundtrack of this joke, and also to
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