Puerto Rico
Exquisiteces de muestra guían a los visitantes
de la expo hacia una dieta vegana
Por el Grupo de Noticias de Puerto Rico (Originalmente en inglés)
[Caguas] Ponte Verde’s lush green botanical garden was a perfect site to celebrate the Eco Green weekend in Puerto Rico, where over 100 vendors gathered together to encourage people to go green to help save the planet. The Veggie Garden restaurant provided vegetarian meals while college students showcased chemical-free toothpaste and biodegradable recycled paper items. Also on display were wind and solar energy alternatives as well as a machine that could create pure drinkable water from air. Our Association members joined in this eco-friendly activity held at the end of August to share Master’s teachings and distribute sample vegan pasta salad along with SOS flyers. Hundreds of visitors were pleased to try the treats as they were drawn to Master’s loving messages. They asked for the recipes and were directed to the relative websites. The adjoining booth offered pets for adoption and were touched to learn of Master’s love and devotion to our animal friends. They welcomed Master’s messages and admired Her three bestselling animal books, as did the children. Fellow initiates thank Master for the lovely weekend as well as the privilege of sharing the ideals of love, joy and hope to help make this world a better place for future generations.