Bringing the “Be Veg! Go Green!”
Message to Brome Community
Por el Grupo de Noticias de Montreal (Originalmente en inglés)
[Montreal] On the last weekend of September, Golden Year 5 (2008), Montreal Center participated in the annual Ecosphere Brome Fair, an environmental event bringing together various green groups as well as organic farmers, Earth-friendly businesses and artists from all over the province of Quebec to share their eco-friendly products, ideas and concepts with the general public. To the delight of the initiates, a last-minute change by the organizers resulted in their booth being placed in a most visible location for all to see-right at the entrance! They displayed a big “Be Veg! Go Green!” banner and prepared some delicious treats to share with the visitors. Everyone who tasted their food was impressed to learn that everything, including the chocolate cake and green tea muffins, were free of animal products. Many left their email addresses to receive more vegan recipes. People listened attentively when the initiates explained the connection between meat eating and its detrimental effect on the environment. Several attendees were already vegetarian, vegan or even on a raw food diet. One former cattle rancher said that he had recently sold all of his farm animals, and had plans to make tofu and to convert his land into fields for planting vegetables, as he understood that meat production is a terrible waste of resources and energy. The initiates had a long conversation with this man who wanted to learn more about vegetarian food and nutrition. They promised to help him as much as they could by providing useful links from Supreme Master TV’s website, and they hope to stay in touch with this progressive thinking farmer in order to support and encourage him in his new vegetarian-oriented endeavors. While there were exhibitors there who sold vegetarian food, the initiates’ booth was the only one offering vegan treats free of charge. The visitors came to thank them for being there to share this all important message with the public.
Simply Raw!
Por el Grupo de Noticias de Otawa (Originalmente en inglés)
![]() [Otawa] El tercer Festival Simplemente Crudo anual fue realizado en Ottawa, Canadá, el 6 y 7 de septiembre del Año Dorado 5 (2008), con el fin de informar al público acerca de los beneficios de la dieta vegana, particularmente de la dieta vegana de alimentos crudos. El Centro de Otawa aprovechó esta impresionante oportunidad para compartir las enseñanzas de la Maestra y Su vital mensaje acerca de los beneficios para el entorno, el bienestar animal y nuestras almas de una dieta sin productos animales. Muchos quedaron sorprendidos al enterarse de que la dieta vegetariana puede salvar al planeta, pero también estaban intrigados por lo que la meditación Quan Yin podía aportar a sus vidas. A pesar de la lluvia, el festival estaba completamente abarrotado. De hecho, fue muy alentador y dio estímulo a la moral de nuestros compañeros iniciados encontrarse con tantas personas que, o ya eran veganos o estaban en plan de serlo. ¡Todos los iniciados locales participaron entusiastamente en el evento para contribuir con sus sinceros esfuerzos en la misión de salvar al planeta!