Специални новини

Едно незабравимо събитие:

Честване на
Лунната Нова Година в Златна Година Четвърта,
и Международен Ритрийт

Съвместни новини от новинарските групи във Формоза и САЩ
(оригиналът на китайски и английски)

16 февруари - Щастливо посрещане завръщането на Учителя

Fellow initiates were busy decorating for the Lunar New Year International Retreat, when a yellow taxi drove up to the main entrance of Hsihu Center. The passenger inside rolled down the window and gently asked the guard at the gate: "May I enter?" At first, the guard was stupefied, then amazed, and shouted aloud: "Oh! Master is back!" Faces filled with the joy of seeing Master after such a long time, everyone rushed to the entrance and lined up to welcome Master Mommy who had returned to Hsihu after more than ten years.

Master asked the driver to move forward at the slowest speed possible, so that She could wave and say "Hallo!" to all the fellow practitioners. Her merciful eyes, perpetually glittering like diamonds and deep as the ocean, gazed at each one as the car passed by. Tear-filled eyes and smiling faces revealed the remembrance and emotions of missing Master. Watching Her come back to Hsihu alone in a taxi, wearing casual clothes and carrying the luggage by Herself, we could imagine how She toiled around the world wishing to give the least trouble to Her disciples. Master's infinite consideration and love deeply touched the hearts of fellow initiates!

17 февруари - Среща в навечерието на празненството по случай Новата Година

Г-н Мануел Морато (вляво), Президент на Фондацията за Наградата за мир "Гуси"
и неговият племенник.
Секретари и асистенти на г-н Морато
Учителят поздравява бившия посланик на Кралство Камбоджа, г-н Телмо Кунанан, и неговата съпруга г-жа Белинда Кунанан, редактор на Филипинския ежедневник за новини.
Учителят е застанала заедно с Филипинския сенатор Хехерсон Алварес и неговата съпруга, председател Сесил Алварес, президентски съветник по културата.

In the afternoon, fellow initiates lined up on both sides of the road outside the main gate to Hsihu Center, cheering and clapping to warmly welcome the honorable guests from the Philippines. Master invited the guests to the Nectar River, joining the fellow initiates to enjoy a barbecue in the evening. Towards midnight, Master and the guests joined us again to greet the Year of the Pig in a countdown and a cheery toast. A long line of fireworks looked like cascading springs of light. The brightness and sparkles made us feel like we were in a fairyland.

Учителят и почетните филипински гости гледат удивителната каскада от фойерверки.

18 февруари - Щастлива, мирна Нова година

Fellow initiates from all countries, dressed in the most colorful traditional dress of different nations, celebrated the arrival of Golden Year 4. In a garden-party style, all fellow initiates and guests were treated to a sumptuous feast of New Year delicacies from different countries. Wearing the costume of the Ching Dynasty Emperor, Master arrived in a sedan chair and waved to greet everyone. She stopped at various food booths along the way to taste the snacks with the guests. When She came to the 'Aulac Village,' She was very happy to see some New Year delicacies and cultural artworks that She remembered from Her youth. Master explained each item in detail to the guests and cordially presented many of them as gifts.

Учителят пее песен за Щастлива Нова година по мелодията на "Честит рожден ден", но с други думи, сътворени от Нея: "Честита Нова Година, Небеса, Честита Нова Година, Земя, Честита Нова Година на всички живи същества, Щастлива, Мирна Нова Година."

Учителят каза: "Ще има мир, точно както Бог е казал. Ще има светлина. Вървим към мира и ще го получим съвсем скоро, въпреки че все още има търкания тук и там между врагове от предишни животи. Те си ги изглаждат, това си е тяхна работа. Но погледнете колко по-мирно е сега в сравнение с преди, и ще става все повече, и така трябва да бъде... защото в мир трябва да възстановим страните си, само в мир можем да възстановим човешките си взаимоотношения, само в мир можем да постигнем Рая."

Учителят изнесе също вдъхновяваща лекция по въпроса за околната среда, като обясни, че сме длъжни да спестяваме енергия примерно чрез използване на енергоспестяващи крушки, чрез купуване на незамърсяващи въздуха коли, чрез ползване на едно превозно средство едновременно за няколко души, когато отиваме на работа или да пазаруваме, чрез рециклиране на използваемите материали, спестяване на вода и електричество и т. н. Това не е само за спестяване на пари, а за спасяване на планетата.

Добре е, че сме вече вегетарианци, защото вегетарианският начин на хранене е също решаващ елемент в спасяването на света.

Поднасяне на Наградата за Блестящо Световно Водачество

That evening, a Shining World Leadership Award presentation ceremony was held at the Hall of Sacred Love, honoring the former President of the Philippines, Fidel Ramos; President of the Gusi Foundation, Mr. Manuel Morato; and Senator Heherson Alvarez, for their philanthropic deeds in helping the Aulacese asylum seekers many years ago. The local dignitaries that attended this grand ceremony were Mr. Gu Min, UNESCO committee member; Mr. Su Wen-hui, Chief of Miaoli Civil Administration Bureau, and his wife; Mr. Huang Lung-fu, Chief of the Religion and Traditional Customs Department; Mayor of Hsihu Township, Mr. He Mu-yan and his wife; Ms. Yang Xiu-xia, former Hsihu Township Mayor; Mr. Wu Jun-yi, Village Chief of Sanhu Village; Mr. Gu Mu-xian, Director of Hsihu Township Farming Society; Mr. Zhu Zeng-cheng from the Police Department; Town Citizens' Representatives Mr. Zhu Qiu-rong and his wife; Ms. Huang Mei-ying, former Director of the Taipei County Volunteer Worker Society; and many others.

Почетни гости от Формоза

The guests first watched "The Golden Heart of the Philippines," a documentary describing how the Philippine government and its people rendered humanitarian aid to Aulacese asylum seekers. In 1979, Imelda R. Marcos, then First Lady of the Philippines, was the first-ever vanguard in garnering support and providing temporary shelter for thousands of Aulacese boat people adrift in Manila Bay. In 1995, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) halted funding for refugee camps throughout Asia, so some countries found it necessary to initiate a repatriation process, much to the inexpressible anguish of the refugees.

Feeling their deep sorrow, Supreme Master Ching Hai devoted much of Her time, energy and resources to alleviate the suffering of those desperate in their countryless plight. She offered them words of consolation, material comfort and spiritual support. At that time, Mr. Manuel L. Morato was deeply moved by the Aulacese refugee situation. Having just met Supreme Master Ching Hai and sympathizing with the desperation of the refugees, he took the initiative to appeal to the Ambassador of Foreign Affairs on their behalf. He then personally accompanied Supreme Master Ching Hai to meet both government and private officials, providing pivotal help in the quest to alleviate the refugees' suffering.

In 1995, President Fidel Ramos issued an order granting permanent residence to 5,000 Aulacese refugees, at the same time that other nations were turning them back to sea. Mr. Heherson Alvarez worked to pass a law that gave rights of refugees to people like those coming out of Au Lac, so that they could stay in the Philippines. Dr. Rene Santos and family took Master to different television and radio stations so that She could have the chance, through their nationwide broadcasting network, to plead for the Aulacese refugees' plight. Countless other anonymous but compassionate hearts, including members of the Catholic Church and other Filipino citizens, all lovingly embraced and welcomed the Aulacese refugees as their own.

Олакски посветени поднасят цветя на своите Филипински благодетели.

After watching this documentary, fellow initiates from Au Lac offered flowers to their kind benefactors. The former president of the Philippines, Fidel Ramos, was invited to be the lead honoree. Even though he was unable to attend because of a previous engagement co-chairing an annual world conference in China, a larger-than-life photo of him dominated the center of the stage, and Master went up on stage specially to offer flowers to his photo in gratitude for the humanitarian help he rendered to the Aulacese asylum seekers. At that point, our loving and humble Master became quite emotional and shed tears.

Учителят поднася цветя на бившия президент на Филипините, Фидел Рамос

След това Учителят поднася Наградата на Блестящо Световно Водачество на г-н Морато ♥♥♥♥♥♥ и сенатор Алварес ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Mr. Alvarez recalled how they had helped the Aulacese refugees to settle. He also praised Master for Her help and for having so much love for the refugees. Mr. Morato, during the ceremony and in a correspondence sent after he had returned to his country, expressed his gratitude to Master and Her Association. He also praised Her as a very loving person and said that when She came to him for help, he felt it was his pleasure to do so. He also said the he felt electrified, very refreshed and enlightened in his time with our group, and added: "How I wish all the people of the world would behave the way Your fellow members do. Then the world would truly be a peaceful place to live in."

Учителят поднася Наградата за Блестящо Световно Водачество
на г-н Морато и на сенатор Алварес

Master also spoke from the stage to express Her thanks to the Filipino people for helping the refugees in their time of need. She said the awards were being presented on behalf of all the refugees in the world to show our gratitude to all the nations. She thanked them again for helping the refugees to heal their wounds and get their human dignity back. She hoped that in the future, war would not exist and the word itself would be forgotten in the vocabulary of humankind, and that one day there would not be even a single frontier left between nations as we all would become brothers and sisters in the big global family.

After that, the Lunar New Year celebration program began. The high standard of performances from fellow initiates in various countries won thunderous cheering and applause from the entire audience. After the performance program, Ms. Cecile Alvarez, on behalf of Mr. Joe Lad Santos and Mr. Ricardo Nolasco from the Filipino Institute of Komiks Arts and Sciences, presented a plaque of appreciation to Master, together with samples of paintings by some Filipino artists. She also gave Master a videotape of a program that had been hosted by Mrs. Alvarez, which reported Master's compassionate actions in helping the disaster victims in the Philippines. Mrs. Alvarez also offered Master a piece of fabric from a Muslim community, symbolizing that "regardless of race and color, there is a common humanity," as well as her gratitude for assisting the Earthsaver's Dream Ensemble.

От името на Политехническия Университет на Филипините, господин Морато подарява картина на Учителя.

Г-н Алварес подарява на Учителя подаръци и кристална плоча на признателност. Г-н Морато подарява на Учителя картина от Политехническия Университет на Филипините.