Специални новини


Едно незабравимо събитие:

Златна Година 4
Честване на Лунната Нова Година
и Международен Ритрийт



Комбинирани новини от новинарските групи във Формоза и САЩ
(оригиналът на китайски и английски)

19 февруари - Пожелания за Новата Година

Учителят ни казва да не обвиняваме никого и нищо, ако ни се случи нещо неприятно, защото всичко е причинено от кармата - лична, на самия човек, и от колективната карма на света.

In the evening, Master came to the meditation hall, dressed in a golden vest and light golden shirt, and greeted everyone with Her wishes for a happy New Year and world peace. She told us not to blame outside people or anything if something undesirable happens, because everything is caused by the karma of some individuals and the collective karma of the world. Master advised us to let go of everything such as distracted thoughts, gossiping and worries, and concentrate only on God, on Buddha and meditation, so that we can succeed in spiritual progress. Then She meditated with us for a while.

20 февруари - Ритрийтът започва

The first meditation session started at 4 o'clock in the morning. There were four meditation sessions, three hours each, every day. Many initiates also meditated through the night during the retreat.

In the very early morning, Master came to the Hall of Sacred Love and led the fellow initiates who had meditated through the night in chanting the Holy Names. She then meditated with us.

In the morning, we lined up on both sides of the road outside the Center to see Master's guests off. Some initiates dressed in colorful Aulacese traditional dresses, holding fresh flowers and Filipino flags. As the cars carrying Master and the guests slowly drove through, we all sang the Happy New Year song, clapped and warmly waved good-bye. We then returned to our meditation.

Учителят ни разказва история, с която ни напомня да бъдем добри хора и да не искаме много неща. Каквото ни трябва, само ще дойде при нас. Най-добре е да помагаме на другите. С каквото се сблъскаме в живота си, всичко е поради кармата. Когато сме упорити в духовната си практика, постепенно ставаме все по-търпеливи, толерантни, променя се начинът ни на мислене. Става ни все по-лесно да приемаме това, което се случва, и когато дойде моментът, за всяко нещо се намира разрешение и ситуацията се подобрява.

In the evening, Master came to the meditation hall again, this time in a red Chinese traditional dress and a white shawl. She told us a bedtime story about a person who became rich by saving a turtle. So we should save more turtles (meaning animals) by not eating them. The person in the story represented one who has repented and so the merciful heart of Heaven not only forgave him but rewarded him greatly and also gave him the opportunity to be a prince in the palace. Our situation is similar. We have committed many mistakes before by eating meat and drinking alcohol. However, as soon as we come to the right path, we become celestial beings, even though we are still on Earth.

21 февруари: Ефектът на пеперудата

Учителят казва: "Учените са доказали, че дори едно размахване на крилете на пеперуда оказва влияние върху атмосферата на цялата планета. Можете ли да си представите какво предизвикват вашите бърборещи усти и умове в атмосферата на хората? Затова ви казвам отново и отново, да бъдете чисти в своите действия, думи и мисъл. Ако вече знаете, че нещо не е правилно и все пак го вършите, още по-зле."

In the evening, Master came to the meditation hall to see Aulacese initiates and told us an ancient Aulacese story.

22 февруари: Честване на 13-та годишнина
по повод Деня на Чинг Хай

В ранната утрин Учителят медитира заедно с нас и ни дава напътствие да медитираме върху звука всички заедно.

Учителят казва, че животните са много интелигентни и разбират всичко, което хората им казват; само че хората не ги разбират. Тя пожела един ден човешката раса да се отърси от унеса си и да разбере, че хора и животни сме едно и също, само в различни форми. Ако убиването престане, тази планета ще се превърне в рай.

Master also said that animals are very intelligent and understand everything humans say; it's just that humans cannot understand them. Thus, Master said it is terrible that people could kill these beautiful, harmless and innocent animal friends just to eat them. Master wished that one day the human race would wake up to know that animals and we are the same, just different forms. Suppose we were living with other giant creatures and they killed us all the time to eat one by one; we would feel helpless, miserable, sad and terrified. How can it be that a world exists like this where we make ourselves into such fearful, vicious kinds of beings? Everyone should rethink the program of their life and lead a noble life. If there's no more killing, this planet will be a heaven.

In the evening, Master appeared to join us for the celebration. A short video about the origins of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day was shown. Following that, various joyful and outstanding artistic performances were presented by talented initiates from different nations including singing, dancing, magic show, and musical instruments. They were so creative, spiritual and professional that we were all deeply inspired and impressed. Master also praised the quality of the programs.

23 февруари - Да оценяваме Божията подредба на нещата, защото тя е най-добрата

Учителят разказва история, с която да разберем, че всичко, което идва естествено на пътя ни, е най-доброто за нас; иначе, ако много настояваме за нещо, може да страдаме много повече и за по-дълго. Това, което имаме - нека бъдем щастливи с него!

In the evening, we enjoyed a delightful vegetarian barbeque with Master. Cheers and laughter were everywhere. Master invited the chocolate-colored brothers and sisters to come sit with Her. They happily chatted, sang, made jokes and ate together. Before leaving for the evening, She reminded us to make sure to meditate before sleeping.

24 февруари - време за сбогуване, с Любовта и
Благословията на Учителя

Учителят ни награждава с една прекрасна поема - поемата на древния учител Дж. Руми: "През цялата нощ Бог ни зове". В тази поема Руми насърчава учениците си да медитират през нощта за по-голям духовен напредък.

Don't sleep for just one night,
My beautiful friend,
And the treasure of Eternity will appear before you.
The sun of the invisible will warm you all night;
The collyrium of mystery will open your eyes.
This evening I beg you,
fight against yourself,
Don't sleep
So you will discover those splendors that spread ecstasy.
It is at night that beauties unveil themselves;
The one who sleeps never hears their soft calls.
Wasn't it at night that
Moses saw the burning bush
and heard its miraculous sermons to come closer?

It was during the night
he traveled so far
that he came to see a bush
drown in glory
The day's for earning a living,
the night's for love
So the eyes of the jealous
cannot spy on you.
The rest of the world may sleep;
but real lovers
Throughout the night
talk inwardly with God...
All through the night God is calling us,
"Rise up, use this time richly,
you poor man!
If you don't, you'll burn with regret
When your soul's separated
from your body."

(Teachings of Rumi, Shambhala Publications, Inc.,
Boston, Mass., USA 1999; http://www.shambhala.com)

"Събуди се, човече, използвай времето си пълноценно! Иначе ще изгориш от съжаления, когато душата ти се отдели от тялото", казва поетът Руми.

Rumi was a Muslim, but he mentioned Moses. In the old times, any Master would know that all religions point in the same direction. So Rumi had no discrimination against any other religion.

Master said we can recite this poem every night, reminding ourselves to be more diligent.

Учителят чрез шеги ни учи да обичаме врага си, защото той често се връща като наша съпруга, съпруг, син или дъщеря. Затова по-добре да се научим да го обичаме сега и доброволно.

In the afternoon, Master came to the Hall of Sacred Love in a light blue cloak with white collar and trim, looking graceful and regal in bearing, to conclude the retreat. She told us some stories including one about a holy Muslim king who earned his living by hand-copying spiritual books, and his servant's lucky experience on the way home with the very little yet very clean money given to him by the king.

Finally, Master wished everyone well on their return trip home and to bring with us Master's love. Some initiates packed at that time and left for home full of God's blessings. Others stayed longer in the Center to continue enjoying meditation and being together with Master.

Soon after the retreat had ended, at about six o'clock in the evening, under a night sky beautifully lit by the moon and stars, Master granted a reception for the working team members at the square in front of the Treasure Pavilion. After treating the fellow initiates with candies, biscuits, drinks and other blessed food, Master told us that She fully understood and appreciated the work we had been doing quietly for the retreat. Her tender words touched the hearts of all initiates present.

С грижовните усилия на Учителя и учениците от Хсиху-Център, с нищо незабележителният преди ландшафт в Хсиху сега се е превърнал в "Святата Планина"!

In the evening the remaining initiates enjoyed another barbeque and tea party with Master. Master and initiates sang one song after another throughout the whole evening and had a wonderful time.

As soon as the party was over, it rained heavily through the night, seeming to cleanse everything in the world.

25 февруари - Новогодишни подаръци за децата и гостите

This was first Sunday of the Lunar New Year. Many fellow practitioners brought their relatives and friends to see Master. In the afternoon, initiates and guests sat together in the Hall of Sacred Love. Master came and wished everyone a happy New Year of success and prosperity. Master said that, for world peace and for our own happiness, in addition to taking care of worldly obligations, we should meditate whenever we have time so that after leaving this world, we can go to Heaven.

Apart from worldly matters, we also have to take care of big matters after this world such as knowing after death where our soul goes. While living, if we do good, be good, keep precepts, avoid hurting others, and help people, then we don't need to care too much about after-death matters. Even if we don't have much to leave materially, our merits are better than property and money.

The life after death cannot be bribed with money or exchanged for position. We should earn more spiritual merit and refrain from hurting animals, the fewer the better, and should have vegetarian diet, the more the better. With loving hearts to help the animals to live longer, we also will live longer. For whatever good we have done, it will return to us in manifold ways.

Учителят разказва история, с която нагледно да разберем, че когато ние се грижим най-напред за хората, Бог със сигурност ще се погрижи за нас.

Накрая Учителят раздаде новогодишни подаръци, включително разноцветни прасенца, топки, прилепи и т. н. на всички деца. Приповдигнатата атмосфера подсили още повече прекрасните спомени от тези вълшебни дни, прекарани с Учителя!