Любов в действие
Поглед върху отминалите години За преглед на хуманитарните дейности на Върховния Учител Чинг Хай и Нейната международна асоциация, може да посетите: http://www.GodsDirectContact.org.tw/humanitarian (Списъкът може да бъде подреден по година, страна/регион събитие.) Освен духовната помощ, която Върховния Учител Чинг Хай ни предоставя, давайки посвещение в метода Куан Ин, Тя помага на света и материално. Известна като хуманитарист, художник и духовен водач, Нейната любов и подкрепа се разпростират отвъд всякакви културни и расови бариери и достигат до милиони хора по света, включително бездомните и нуждаещите се, институциите, които изследват причините за СПИН и рак, ветераните от войната в САЩ, възрастните хора в несгода, физически и умствено обременените, бежанците и жертвите на природни бедствия като земетресения, наводнения и пожари.
Supreme Master Ching Hai, as She has affectionately become known to those whose lives She has touched, lives a message that walks the way of love. A renowned humanitarian, artist and spiritual visionary, Her love and assistance extend beyond all cultural and racial boundaries to millions of people around the world. As one can see from these samples of past years’ contributions, Supreme Master Ching Hai and Association members are immediate to serve wherever there is a need. They especially assist those who live in areas that are underserved. The dispatch of assistance from members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association is also so immediate that it is often the first to arrive at a disaster scene. Team members work so quickly and efficiently that it is rare for the Association’s efforts to receive mainstream news coverage. For example, after the 9-11 tragedy in New York, Association members were not only one of the few groups granted access to Ground Zero, they were allowed to stay for several weeks, serving food and coffee every day to the relief workers and others. This endeavor, as well as other contributions made directly to injured or surviving family members, totaled about US$360,000. The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association was also first on the scene after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma; in Indonesia in 2005 for relief efforts after the tsunami, and to assist after the 9-21 earthquake in Formosa (Taiwan) in 1999.