by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Taipei, Formosa
October 25, 1988 (Originally in Chinese) The Quan Yin Method offers you an incredible power of communication. With it, you don't need a telephone. You don't even have to lift a finger or write a thing. As soon as a thought arises, the line is connected. This is the situation in the Pure Land (High Heaven). Others can instantly perceive your thoughts. You don't need to speak or tell others your name. This is the state of the higher realms. If you want something, others will know right away. If you need something, the Lord of that realm will immediately radiate light to where you are and help you. Hes doesn't need to know your name, because in a higher level realm, names don't exist; and there are no individuals. All beings are one. Though we may manifest in different forms or show different spiritual levels, there is no intrinsic distinction among beings. It is like a radio station that doesn't need to know your address. As long as you have a radio and tune in to that frequency, you can receive the signals from the radio station. It is the same with a TV station. It doesn't need to know your address, the size or brand of your television set, or when you purchased it. The TV station doesn't care which company produced your TV set, who bought it, or who owns it now. As long as you tune in to its channel, you are connected to the station. Similarly, initiation is like turning on your "radio" so that you can conveniently communicate with the "station" every day. This is our intrinsic "telephone system". No matter where you live, you can communicate with Master whenever you think of me. You know it's true. (Audience: "Yes!") It is not me who goes anywhere. It's just that the frequency of the vibrations has changed. (continued) |