The Supreme Master
Ching Hai News No. 103


Master's Words
The Quan Yin Method is the Most Advanced Science


Panorama of Events Japan Formosa Hong Kong U.K. Canada U.S.A. Bolivia
Little Message Promoting the Vegetarian Diet with Loving Helpfulness
Professions and Spiritual Practice Spiritual Life and Professional Ethics Defend What is Right and Just Small Business, Easy Living
Special Reports Supreme Master Ching Hai's 1999 European Lecture Tour - True Treasures Recognized Only by Wisdom Eyes Spain Portugal The Netherlands Poland Russia Armenia Bulgaria Greece Italy Hungary Slovenia Czech Republic Finland Sweden Norway Scotland Ireland England-U.K. London International Three-Day Retreat - Ocean of Love Coming with Great Force and Rushing Infinitely
Receipts Helping the Kosovo Refugees in Albania
Media Reports Formosa Daily News International Herald Tribune, U.S.A. Renewed-Life Daily, Formosa
Notes on Master's European Lecture Tour An Attentive Master Fellow Initiates' Selfless Devotion
Pearls of Wisdom Pearls of Wisdom
Between Master and Disciples Thus I Have Heard and Thus I Have Seen
Drops in the Ocean of Love Learning the Lesson of Love My Mom - A Living Saint
Children's Column Ecstasy in Heaven
Spiritual Interlude Enlightenment through Shoes
Front Line Master's Dharma in Istanbul
Sharing Inspiring Thoughts "25 Bodhisattvas' Experiences" in the Surangama Sutra
Love in Action Contributions and Help for Lepers Care for Fire Victims Sending Urgent Aid to the Needy Expenditures and Receipts for Activities of Love in Action in Formosa (February - April 1999)
Letters of Appreciation From a Charitable Organization in Au Lac from Nicaragua - The Republic's First Lady
Elevation of the Soul Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest Video Tapes Supreme Master Ching Hai's Latest Audio Tapes

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A Little Message:
In speaking of God, or the Supreme Spirit, Master instructs us to use original non-sexist terms to avoid the argument about whether God is a She or a He.
She + He = Hes (as in Bless)
Her + Him = Hirm (as in Firm)
Hers + His = Hiers (as in Dear)
Example: When God wants, Hes makes things happen according to Hiers will
to suit Hirmself.

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"God loves you very much and if you want to see Hirm, I have to show you the way."

~ Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai during Her European lecture tour. ~

News No. 103