(Originally in English)
from the International Red Cross Committee
Geneva, 18 June 1999
Dear Mrs. Ching Hai,
have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of Your remittance of
USD 50,000- representing a donation from the Supreme Master
Ching Hai International Association towards the humanitarian
activities of the international Committee of the Red Cross in
favor of the refugees from Kosovo.
the late dramatic events our organization still provides assistance
and protection for the most vulnerable groups. Thousands of
men, women and children, forced to flee, have left all their
possessions behind and are living today in total fear and deep
confusion. The ICRC delegates are working hard, in difficult
security conditions. They supply hospitals and first aid posts
with emergency medicaments and they distribute relief material.
donation is particularly important for us at this moment. It
will be directly assigned to the most urgent needs.
You again for Your generous support, we remain,
Yours Sincerely,
2 (Originally
in English)
Geneva, June 15, 1999
A Letter to Mr. Vladimir Thanati, Ambassador from Albania
Donation of Supreme Master Ching Hai to Kosovo refugees
Dear Mr. Ambassador,
would like to thank you and your wife again for having participated
in the meeting between Supreme Master Ching Hai and Humanitarian
Organizations on May 4, 1999, at the Hotel Intercontinental
in Geneva.
We have the
pleasure to tell you that Master Ching Hai gave instructions
to donate the amount of $50,000- to the Kosovo refugees living
in Albania. This amount has been transferred on May 19, 1999,
to the International Red Cross in Geneva, with instructions
to use it to comfort the Kosovo refugees in Albania.
Master Ching
Hai left the day after the meeting in Geneva to start a European
lecture tour, visiting eighteen countries in Europe, bringing
a message of peace and love to all of them.
The last lecture
of the tour was in London, on the evening of June 9th, 1999,
and we are all so happy that the same evening the peace agreement
between Serbia and the NATO troops was at last signed!
We all wish
you and your country peace and prosperity and we hope, that
the Kosovo refugees may soon be able to return to their home-land.
Your country, by so generously opening its frontiers and homes
to your Kosovo brothers and sisters, has been an example to
all of us.
Yours Sincerely,
Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association contact
person in Switzerland.