After our beautiful and gracious Supreme Master
Ching Hai lectured in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on April 30, 2000, local
initiates were filled with happiness and overflowing with love. Our
enthusiasm to share Master's teachings could not be contained, and so
with a Quan Yin messenger, Malaysian initiates presented six video seminars
in the major cities of Malaysia, namely, Perak, Kadah, Ipoh, Butterworth,
Malacca, and Penang.
It was heartwarming to hear the responses of people attending the seminars.
For example, one person in the audience in Malacca commented, "Why
did you take such a long time to share Master's teachings in our town?
Master's teachings are just what I'm looking for." At every seminar,
people asked to receive the Convenient Method of meditation. After which,
some said that while meditating they had seen very bright lights coming
from the sky, and the whole room being filled with beautiful rainbow