speaking, the students of any Master enjoy happiness, luck and the fulfillment
of any desire they ever have in life — be it physical, mental,
emotional or, of course, spiritual. And the day they leave the physical
body, they go directly to Heaven. There’s no doubt about that.
So in order to even be happy in this physical life — not to mention
Heaven — to be happy here, to live a pleasant life here and to
be a more intelligent person here, we should meditate. We’re already
very intelligent, but we don’t use enough of our brainpower. Even
though we use only five to ten percent, we’re already very clever
and invent many things. Suppose you meditate and use more of your brainpower:
Of course you’ll be more intelligent!
The average person uses only up to ten percent of his or her brainpower.
That’s a fact known to every one of us; it’s been scientifically
proven. So where do we put the other eighty or ninety percent? It’s
wasted. And that’s why we’re not complete beings. We don’t
feel complete; we feel frustrated and weak because we haven’t
used our complete power.
So meditation, we can also say it in another way, makes use of our complete
power. That’s what meditation is for, or that’s what meditation
means: harnessing our complete might so that we become almighty just
like God, or at least like the children of God. Otherwise, we sometimes
don’t even have enough energy to take care of small problems or
small things, and we don’t always do things completely to our
satisfaction because we lack power and wisdom.
So to know God is to know ourselves completely. And when we know ourselves
completely, we know God. Then because we’re one with God, we’re
just like Hirm in the way Hes made us because God made humans in Hiers
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