YMaster Tells Jokes
Guilt on the Installment Plan
| Who Really Paid for the Coat?
One Way to Get Back an Umbrella

YMaster’s Words
To Know God is to Know Ourselves Completely
| The Best Way to Worship is to Master Ourselves | Become a Saint and Glorify God

YPanorama of Events
| Canada | USA

YA Special Quan Yin Family New Year Chronicle
| Korea | Formosa | Hong Kong | Canada | Costa Rica | USA | Peru

YReflections on Spiritual Practice
A Noble New Year’s Resolution

YSpiritual Interludes
The Golden Glow of a New Era

YWhile on the Path
A Withered Tree Sprouts New Leaves

YMaster Tells Stories
Use Your Wisdom to Know When It’s Time to Let Go

YMaster Says
The Sacred Relationship between Master and Disciples


YMaster’s Wonders
Twin Rainbows Bless a Multi-Cultural Retreat
Blissful Enlightenment beyond Words!|
Divine Experiences Reaffirm Master's Power

Dancing Beauty  | Quan Yin

YSelected Questions and Answers
Balancing World and Spirit: The Middle Way
| Three Kinds of Spiritual Teachers | The Living Master is Always with Us

YGlimpses of Eternity
Frederic Chopin: Enlightened Composer of the Inner Worlds

YLove in Action
| Panama | Thailand | Hong Kong | Formosa

YArt and Spirituality
Profile: Sharing Joy through Aesthetics -- An Exclusive Interview with Actress Stella Stevens

YElevation of the Soul
Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest DVDs
| Books | CDs

YOur Liasion Practitioners around the World

YQuan Yin WWW Sites

In speaking of God or the Supreme Spirit, Master instructs us to use original non-sexist terms to avoid the argument about whether God is a She or a He.
She + He = Hes (as in Bless)
Her + Him = Hirm (as in Firm)
Hers + His = Hiers (as in Dear)
Example: When God wishes, Hes makes things happen according to Hiers will to suit Hirmself.

As a creator of artistic designs as well as a spiritual teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai loves all expressions of inner beauty. It is for this reason that She refers to Vietnam as "Au Lac" and Taiwan as "Formosa." Au Lac is the ancient name of Vietnam and means "happiness." And the name Formosa reflects more completely the beauty of the island and its people. Master feels that using these names bring spiritual elevation and luck to the land and its inhabitants.

The Supreme Master Ching Hai News is published on the Internet in the following languages: 
Aulacese, Chinese (in both traditional and simplified versions), English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese and Thai. Please refer to the "Quan Yin WWW Sites" of the News magazine for related websites.

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