State of Michigan, in the north-central section of the United States,
experiences extremely cold temperatures during the winter months that
affect both animals and humans. So, following the example of a vegetarian
co-worker who is sensitive to the wintertime needs of our fellow creatures,
I recently began scattering seed on the patio in front of my apartment
to feed the local wildlife. Within a short period of time, a variety
of new friends has started to gather there, including ducks, squirrels,
sparrows, Red Cardinals and a pair of Blue Jays.
My apartment serves as the Michigan
Center, and after group meditation I open the window blinds so that
the initiates can observe the feeding antics of our animal neighbors,
and whose presence enhances the spiritual atmosphere of the place during
and after meditation. This phenomenon may be due to the God-like innocence
of our fellow creatures or to the compassion we feel in supplying them
with much needed food, or perhaps it is a combination of the two. In
any case, the image of the animals feeding has a biblical quality, and
reminds me of the special love and care that Master showed for Her pets
during a retreat I attended in Florida. It also brings to mind St. Francis
of Assisi, the Roman Catholic patron saint of animals, and his special
rapport with God’s creatures. Thus I was recently inspired to
search the Internet for information on St. Francis, and discovered the
following touching story (
One pleasant day, while St. Francis
and his companions were traveling through the Spoleto Valley in Italy,
the saint suddenly spotted a large congregation of doves, crows and
other birds. Caught up in the moment, Francis left his friends on the
road and ran to the creatures, who had patiently waited for him. He
greeted them in his usual way, expecting them to take off into the air
as he spoke, but they stayed in their places.
Filled with awe, he asked the
birds if they would stay awhile and listen to the Word of God, saying,
“My brother and sister birds, you should praise your Creator and
always love Hirm for Hes gave you feathers for clothes, wings with which
to fly and all the other things you need. It is God who made you the
noblest among all creatures, giving you a home in the thin, pure air.
Without sowing or reaping, you receive God’s guidance and protection.”
At this the birds began spreading
their wings and stretching their necks to gaze at St. Francis, rejoicing
and praising God in a wonderful way according to their nature. He then
walked among the flock, touching their heads and bodies with his tunic.
The saint next gave them his blessing
by making the sign of the cross over them and they flew off. Francis,
rejoicing and giving thanks to God, continued his journey and soon after
wondered aloud to his companions why he had never before thought of
talking with the birds. From that day on, Francis made it a habit to
kindly exhort all birds, reptiles and other animals to praise and love
their Creator. Many times during his life, remarkable instances of Francis
speaking to animals occurred. There was even a time when St. Francis
quieted a flock of noisy birds that were interrupting a religious ceremony!
Much to the wonder of all present, the birds remained silent until the
ceremony was completed.
Although I have not lived long
in Michigan, one of the first things I noticed upon moving to the state
was that fishing and hunting are very popular activities among the residents.
I have listened to otherwise good, decent people speak about the “sport”
of deer hunting in a way that is totally oblivious to the suffering
of the animals. For a while I failed to understand how anyone could
be so devoid of feeling as to commit such atrocities against God’s
creatures. But I soon realized that these people are not “evil”
but merely ignorant — unenlightened to the philosophy of our first
precept, “Do not kill or otherwise harm sentient beings,”
and oblivious to the concept of relating to animals as our brethren
under God’s dominion.
I then understood that it is necessary
to reach out to the public via video seminars and other awareness-enhancing
events to convey Master’s merciful teachings and thus promote
enlightenment and non-violence. This will be my New Year’s Resolution!