Brilliant Expo Opens the Year 2004
the Montreal News Group
On January 18, 2004, Montreal initiates ran a booth at their city’s
annual Lunar New Year Expo. At the booth, Master’s magazines and
lecture tapes were displayed, along with articles on the benefits of
vegetarianism and meditation practice.
Master’s lectures were also shown on two TV sets,
attracting numerous onlookers, including many young Westerners. In addition,
several prominent government and community leaders visited the stall.
For example, Mr. Duong van Thuy, former leader of Montreal’s Aulacese
community, stopped by to express his special New Year’s wishes
and praise the initiates for their interest in spiritual practice, adding,
“I’m very happy for you.” Then Mr. Ngo Thu, former
head of Da Nang’s Social Affairs Administrative Department in
Au Lac commended Master for Her humanitarian and social service efforts,
adding, “The Quan Yin group’s yearly involvement in the
Lunar New Year festivities always enhances the atmosphere.” The
initiates then gave Mr. Thuy and Mr. Thu copies of Master’s lecture
tapes and a brief introduction to Her humanitarian work.
Also, news reporter Mr. Hoang Le, a member of the Aulacese
Social Committee, said that he planned to visit the Montreal Center
and interview the initiates to write articles about the Supreme Master
Ching Hai International Association for Aulacese newspapers in Canada
and the USA.
In general, people’s responses to the Center’s
booth were warm and welcoming. For example, one man opened his heart
to say, “Every year I pay attention to your kiosk and notice that
you have more and more members in your group from different nationalities
and races.” Having read about Master’s worldwide humanitarian
aid work, he had many questions and wondered how She could possibly
donate such large amounts to disaster victims. A brother then explained
that the Quan Yin Method of meditation is taught free-of-charge and
that Master uses Her God-given artistic abilities to create clothing,
jewelry, lamps, paintings and songs for the purpose of benefiting sentient
beings, which not only earns Her a living, but also goes to fund relief
efforts. The man then mentioned that the Association’s presence
each year at the Chinese New Year’s celebrations has helped him
realize that the group must be righteous and truthful since it is gaining
members and surviving the test of time.
The brother added that in recognition of Supreme Master
Ching Hai’s numerous selfless efforts and contributions to society,
many governmental authorities have honored Her and presented Her with
awards. For instance, the Los Angeles Music Week and the mayor of Los
Angeles recently gave Master a Certificate of Commendation for Her superb
musical compositions. After listening to the brother’s detailed
comments, the guest asked more questions about vegetarianism and the
Quan Yin Method. Before leaving, he thanked the initiates for giving
him Master’s videotape and materials, promising to spread the
news to his friends because they do not know much about Master’s
teachings and what She has done for humankind.
The initiates from the Montreal Center thank Master
for blessing them and giving them the opportunity to promote Her teachings
at the Lunar New Year Expo. They would also like to reiterate Master’s
New Year 2004 wishes to all initiates: “Happy Golden New Year
to everyone.”

Panorama of Events:
Formosa / Canada

Date Book
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The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association are holding more
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