For the past three years, Oregon Center initiates have been conducting
monthly seminars featuring Master's videos at the Clackamas County
Jail in Portland, and during this time they have witnessed how the
Master power works subtly but effectively on the inmates.
On one of their first visits to the facility, the initiates donated
Master's News magazines and several copies of Her book
I Have Come to Take You Home to the Jail's library so
that the inmates could learn about Master's teachings. Then on June
8, 2005, the Oregon Center received a letter from three inmates who
had read Master's book. (See photo below) In their letter they stated,
"We recently decided to begin studying the Quan Yin Method and
respectfully request any literature and study materials as well as
teaching texts that may be available to persons such as us with no
financial means at our disposal."
Before the next monthly video seminar, the initiates promptly forwarded
the letter to the Jail's officials in hopes that these inmates would
be allowed to attend. The officials wrote a follow-up letter saying
that the men could not be present at the seminar due to their maximum
security status.
Then on June 11, when the sisters and brothers arrived at the prison
to conduct the seminar, twenty inmates were in the video room, including
one of those who had written the letter. The practitioners thus prayed
to Master and earnestly pleaded with the guard on duty to give the
other two inmates a chance to be there since the following month they
could be transferred to another facility and so become difficult to
find. Finally, the guard succumbed to the initiates' pleas and let
the men in.
Upon seeing the video room and seminar set-up, the three prisoners
were very surprised because they had been unaware of the monthly video
seminars due to their inability to mingle with other prisoners and
participate in such activities under their maximum security status.
When the initiates explained that they had been permitted to attend
because of their letter, the men were deeply touched by the efforts
made to help them learn more about Master's teachings and the Convenient
During the lecture DVD presentation a technical problem occurred
causing only the audio function to work. This was the first time such
a difficulty had arisen, but the inmates were nonetheless very attentive,
and afterwards all stayed to learn the Convenient Method!
After learning the CM, the three men who wrote the letter were deeply
grateful that Master had helped them understand why they should become
vegetarians. Another inmate also expressed his gratitude to Her for
allowing him to grasp this message, and vowed not to seek vengeance
on others after his release.
Through such
experiences at the Clackamas County Jail seminars, the Oregon practitioners
have come to realize that Master takes care of all yearning souls,
even those in seemingly impossible circumstances, and that we who
are unimprisoned and saturated with Her divine love should not take
Her blessings for granted but instead cherish Her gifts even more