Dalai Lama
April 5, 2005, the Dalai Lama made the following statement before
an assembly of Tibetan leaders: “Lately I have turned to a vegetarian
diet. Today’s youth, particularly the ones who have come from
Tibet and have a refugee status must inculcate these principles for
their own development and to have peace of mind. The message from
[Sanskrit: ‘great compassion’] has clearly
asked us to follow and preach love and compassion for all living beings.”
The Dalai Lama’s noble action is an inspiration to people around
the world and is especially admirable because he changed his diet
at the age of seventy. Actually, he had wished to be vegetarian from
an early age but was hindered by the curious beliefs of his personal
Nowadays, however, Tibetan doctors increasingly
recognize the benefits of vegetarianism, including Dr. Tenzin Tsephal,
Director of Tibetan Medicine in one of the main Tibetan expatriate
settlements, who states, “It is not necessary for [the Dalai
Lama] to eat meat. I would never prescribe someone to start eating
meat again. The Tibetan doctors who do so are a bit old-fashioned
and aren’t aware [of] or open to the alternatives to eating
meat. I think all Tibetans can and should stop eating meat.”
In 2004, Kentucky Fried Chicken announced plans
to open chicken restaurants in Tibet, and in response the Dalai Lama
issued the following public appeal: “On behalf of my friends
at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), I am writing
to ask that KFC abandon its plan to open restaurants in Tibet because
your corporation’s support for cruelty and mass slaughter violate
Tibetan values.” Thereafter, the KFC management abandoned its
Before this event, the Dailai Lama had conducted
many other vegetarian campaigns. For example, in 1993, he asked restaurants
in Dharamsala, India, home of the world’s largest Tibetan exile
community, to become vegetarian so that Tibetans could experience
delicious vegetarian food and learn how to stop eating meat. As a
result, several local residents became vegetarian, and because of
these restaurants vegetarian foods such as tofu have become known
to the Tibetan public.
Another Tibetan Vegetarian Pioneer
true vegetarian hero from Tibet is the monk Geshe Thupten Phelgye,
who, after practicing in retreat for several years, founded the Universal
Compassion Movement, (www.universalcompassion.org)
in 1998. The Movement promotes vegetarianism and compassion for all
sentient beings through various means, including distributing vegetarian
flyers around Dharamsala.
In 1999, Phelgye was elected president of the
International Gelug Society, which represents the major monastic tradition
in Tibet, and managed to pass a resolution that all residents of Gelug
monasteries and nunneries become vegetarian. The following year, the
Gelug monks elected him their representative in the Tibetan Parliament
In-Exile in Dharamsala, where he proposed a historic law declaring
2004 the Tibetan Vegetarian Year, during which all Tibetans would
be required to be vegetarian. The Parliament subsequently passed the
law, whereby vegetarianism was encouraged but not enforced, bringing
vegetarianism to the forefront of Tibetans’ minds. This ruling
may be considered the greatest such law since the Ashokan Edict of
200 B.C., which established vegetarianism in India.
The New Generation of Tibetan Vegetarian Advocates
In a 2004 Times
of Tibet editorial, Bhuchung K. Tsering, director
of the International Campaign for Tibet in Washington, D.C., discussed
the new trend toward vegetarianism among Tibetans as follows:
The issue of meat eating has been a matter
of public discussion in the Tibetan community in recent times. A subtle
change in the Tibetan people’s mindset has taken place [as]
comparatively younger Tibetans are opting for a vegetarian diet today.
Even among the older generation there are efforts to change the age-old
meat-eating habit.
One of the most dynamic of the young Tibetan
vegetarian advocates is Rapsel Tsariwa, founder of Tibetan Volunteers
for Animals. In early 2005, with the help of two friends and the financial
assistance of the Dalai Lama, Mr. Tsariwa launched the “All
India Vegetarian Tour,” during which he has traveled to remote
Tibetan communities across India delivering speeches and showing documentary
films about vegetarianism. During the Tour, many Tibetans and Western
Buddhists have turned to vegetarianism on the spot, with 700 committing
to a vegetarian diet by signing a document. In addition, Mr. Tsariwa
launched Semchen, the first official vegetarian magazine in both the
English and Tibetan languages. When someone recently suggested he
take a break, he responded, “Time is running out; we have to
save the animals now.”
Another inspiring young Tibetan is Tenzin Kunga
Luding, who became a vegetarian at the age of ten after hearing about
the suffering of cows used for meat. With his father’s help,
he founded Tibetans for a Vegetarian Society (T4VS). Tenzin spends
much of his time rescuing stray animals and hopes to purchase land
in Delhi for an animal rescue and rehabilitation center.
The main mission of T4VS is to spread vegetarianism
“by every possible means.” Tenzin has conceived a variety
of ingenious ways to reach people, using pamphlets, stickers, posters,
news articles and VCDs. T4VS is currently developing a website,
www.t4vs.com, and producing a new VCD featuring footage
of respected high lamas discussing vegetarianism, all with Tenzin’s
own money and a small cash donation from the private office of the
Dalai Lama. With regard to the Dalai Lama’s contribution, Tenzin
said proudly, “His Holiness is the first Dalai Lama who is the
Patron-in-Chief of the first Tibetan vegetarian and vegan organization.
This is a landmark in our Tibetan history.”
Also, in recognition of Tibetan Vegetarian
Year, T4VS recently held a rock music tour, which in Tenzin’s
words was designed “to propagate love and compassion toward
all, including meat-eaters. Vegetarians, non-vegetarians, Buddhist
and non-Buddhists—everyone is welcome to join and support us.”
This positive attitude, which is reflective of the entire T4VS tour,
has attracted many non-vegetarians. Now Tenzin looks forward to working
with other groups to promote the vegetarian lifestyle.
The Barefoot Yogi
year old yogi Chatral Rinpoche, a meditation master of the Nyingma
school, Tibet’s oldest Buddhist tradition, has spent much of
his life living alone in caves and wandering barefoot in the Himalayas.
Regarding vegetarianism among his peers Chatral says, “[In]
my experience I have come across many lamas in Kham, Amdo—all
parts of Tibet—who don’t eat meat.” And to promote
the vegetarian lifestyle the lama wrote
On Flesh Eating,
in which he states, “Knowing all the faults of meat and alcohol,
I have made a commitment to give up meat and alcohol. I have also
declared this moral to all my monasteries. Therefore, anyone who listens
to me is requested not to break this Dharmic moral.”
And with respect to the myth that Tibetan Buddhists
can transform the meat of animals they are about to eat into energy
to liberate the animals and thus reach higher levels of enlightenment,
he says:
With supernatural power gained through certain
meditations, it is true there are some who can revive animals from
the dead and help them reach higher rebirth or enlightenment by consuming
small amounts of their flesh. But this is not done for sustenance,
only for the purpose of helping that animal. I personally do not have
that power and because of that I never eat meat. I would be committing
sin and getting negative karma. I don’t pretend as if I have
some powers and eat meat. I just avoid it altogether.
A Present-Day Milarepa
Rinpoche, a meditation master from the Kagyu lineage of Milarepa,
also spent many years in retreat and now teaches people to live a
pure vegetarian life and meditate on holy names. At one retreat conducted
by Lama Drubwang, seventy people vowed to become vegetarians, and
after he visited several villages in Ladakh the residents promised
to close their meat markets for one day a week. Regarding the basis
for becoming vegetarian Drubwang states, “If one has strong
determination, one [will] avoid doing evil deeds at all costs and
under any circumstances. We certainly face difficulties in becoming
full vegetarians. However, when such obstacles arise, we should remember
how every sentient being had at one point or another been our parents.”
The cases of the noble Tibetan vegetarians
discussed above reveal that humankind’s consciousness has indeed
been uplifted. These righteous individuals are wisely changing a thousand-year
long tradition, thus demonstrating that the Vegetarian Era is imminent.
For more information
about Tibetan Buddhism and vegetarianism, please visit:
www.shabkar.org or

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