There are two ways that we can live our life in this world. One way is the normal way, that we accept everything that happens to us as destiny. But there is another way, of knowing God's grace, by which we can live a much happier, a much smoother and more peaceful life. Most people in the world choose to live the first way of life, because we do not know the second way. We would like to know the second way, but most of the time it's hidden from us, even though it is very, very simple, like taking something out of our pocket. It's just that we don't know how. So we live a mostly unfulfilled life and are most of the time very frustrated and unhappy. But once we know the grace of God, life begins to change. Life begins to be the way it should be. Life begins to be like Heaven. The second way of living will bring us happiness; it will bring us Heaven, and it will bring us peace - inside and outside. The way to contact this grace of God has been called the way of enlightenment, the way of Jesus, the way of Buddha and the way of Mohammed; it's the way of great Masters from the ancient past to the present and into the future. If we are transmitted this God power, or we have this existing power rekindled within us again, then we can also experience Heaven while living in this planet. We can have the healing power; we can also have the blessing from God so we can share it with others. We can be successful in spiritual life as well as material life, at the same time. We can have both Heaven and Earth at the same time and enjoy both; because most of us enjoy only the world and do not know another world exists, which is Heaven. We've heard that Heaven exists and that we can see it after we die. But it's not so; we can see it right now. We can see it in two ways. One way is more materialized; for example, after the process of transmission we become happier, more intelligent, more quick-reacting, more tolerant, more loving and more successful in many ways. And sometimes we can even see even the future and the past, and we know how to solve our present problems, etc. Also, all the people around us - family and friends - become better and better. This is one materialized way of the grace of God. But there is another way, in which we can see Heaven truly, with our Heavenly eye, that is, literally speaking, we can enter Heaven as a place. We enter it not by the physical body, but with a spiritual body. And then we can go back again to the physical body, and continue our daily activities, and no one ever suspects we are a Saint. That saves a lot of problems! People don't come flocking to our house and start worshipping the dirt at our feet and make our home become a free ‘cost and loss' hotel. There is a way to get to such a state of living in Heaven while working on Earth. There is a way to do that, because Heaven is already within us. Heaven exists all the time. We do not need to beg for it. We do not need to do penance for it. We do not have to pray all day for it. We just have to know where to get it again, because we are the children of God. We don't need to beg for anything; we are the Prince and Princess of Heaven! So the one solution to this problem is that you get enlightened. (Applause)