Special Reports |
Supreme Master Television’s Farewell |
(Originally in English)
January 2, Golden Year 9 (2012) marked the final day of broadcasting for Supreme Master Television. Each day around the clock for the past five years, Supreme Master Television has accompanied global viewers through the offering of free-to-air constructive and wholesome programming. Conceived by and graced with the loving guidance of Supreme Master Ching Hai and Heaven’s blessings, this unique TV channel had the precious opportunity to reach many corners of the world via satellite, cable TV, Internet and various other modern-day communication methods. With earnest hopes of helping to bring long-lasting peace, joy and upliftment for the Earth’s citizens, including our animal co-inhabitants, Supreme Master Television has faithfully been among the voices of conscience and consciousness advocating for a greener and more compassionate planet. Through collective efforts involving the kind cooperation and assistance of government officials, dignitaries, celebrities, international artists, and experts in diverse disciplines, as well as the dedication of Association members, some positive fruits have been borne, both visible and invisible. It has been a remarkable five-year journey for all! Commemorating the five-year anniversary of Supreme Master Television, US Congressman and vegan Dennis J. Kucinich wrote: “In a world where the focus sometimes seems to be on humankind’s inability to work together to support life on our precious planet, the educational and inspiring programs featured on Supreme Master Television offer hope and encouragement to those who choose to nurture humankind’s most noble quality.” A Heart-to-Heart Talk with Supreme Master Ching Hai Following the final airing of Supreme Master Television, Master held a videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in Los Angeles, USA, conveying both comfort for global viewers’ sadness and Her own sense of loss at seeing the five years of programming end. “I also felt very sad, because suddenly the TV just went black, you know?” Master said. “And I’m sure it is because the whole world also feels sad. It’s really overwhelming.” She commended the diligence of the worldwide staff over the last few years, saying She felt proud that Supreme Master TV was really top-notch. Master gently explained the reason why the programming was coming to an end: “First of all, Heaven says stop. Also, for all the staff to rest and to meditate, because meditation is very good for the world. We have been reminding them, and now they have to do it also. There is also a certain extent of how much we can do.” She added, “We still continue to do charity work whenever we can. It’s just that we don’t have Supreme Master Television anymore. It’s also a good thing. Sometimes we talk too much, but it doesn’t mean people listen.” Expressing Her heartache at the helplessness of so many beings in this world, Master said, “I keep telling the Maya of this world that this world is hell. Whatever he created is no good. Everything he does is no good here, for everybody, for the animals, for the humans. All these temptations and traps and tricks make people lose their purpose and cannot even defend themselves. And then everyone contaminates everyone else. It is really a pitiful state of being, to live in this world, animals or humans.” She went on to encourage all Quan Yin practitioners to devote more time and energy to deep meditation, reminding that enlightenment is only the beginning. As for Herself, Master said that meditation is the most important thing in the world; the rest is secondary. For that purpose, She could bear any condition with minimum food and shelter, and even sometimes without electricity or water. Master clarified the meaning of purity: “Remember in the Bible, it says, ‘Except you become a child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God’? That means purity. Purity is the state where you don’t desire anything. You’re not into this world for anything, not for gain or for anything at all. Not even a teeny-weeny little bit... Most people in this world, they’re only pure to a maximum of about 90%, because of too much contamination and not enough time to clean, to meditate. The higher you go into the Kingdom of the spiritual abode, the purer you become.” Master mentioned that with intense practice, Her purity percentage has reached 1,700% of a maximum 2,700%, and Her health has also been thankfully restored more than halfway to the invincible state. “That’s why I tell you that you have to meditate more. You get more things; you don’t just see a few visions and hear some music,” She said. “And now, if you don’t have to rescue people, then you have to recuperate yourself and clean up... You have to recover. You have to be healthy again, and then, you have to retrain yourself to be stronger, in case you have to rescue people again.” At the end of the conference, Master revealed the locations of Heaven Portals that are now present in Centers around the world and their Spiritual Blessing Power in percentage points. Letters from Viewers Within just hours of the announcement of Supreme Master Television’s final broadcast, countless messages through email, Facebook and Twitter arrived from global audience members who expressed their gratefulness as well as their reluctance to see it end. Here are a selected few:
We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai, the extended staff of Supreme
Master Television, and all noble-minded friends for their extraordinary
efforts to share the constructive information presented on the channel.
May we each continue to strive toward the shared goal of World Vegan,
World Peace. *Supreme Master Television’s archived programs will continue to be available online at www.SupremeMasterTV.com for all to view and download free of charge. To watch the farewell conference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, please visit http://suprememastertv.com/farewell/