By European News Team (Originally in English)
In celebration of the publication of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s book From Crisis to Peace: The Organic Vegan Way is the Answer in multiple European languages, an international conference highlighting the importance of the vegan lifestyle, the largest of its kind in the region, was held on October 30, Golden Year 8 (2011) at the beautiful Amphitheater in Association Immobilière de l'Ecole Militaire (ASIEM), in Paris, France. Key to the event’s theme was the book’s message about the uplifting and planet-saving benefits of vegan fare, with language versions that included English, Spanish, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, and Swedish.
The conference was attended by several hundred guests and was also broadcast live via Ustream for global viewer access. Hosting the event were the radiant French actress Evelyne Christ-Dassas and Mr. Tobias Leenaert, director of the Ethical Vegetarian Alternative (EVA) of Belgium, which initiated the first European Meatless Day in Ghent. An array of eminent speakers shared in person and via video message their first-hand experience as well as comprehensive research demonstrating the multi-faceted benefits of the organic vegan diet. Citing its significant effect on not only health but also the environment, the economy and ethical compassion, they all shared the view that the most effective and efficient way to resolve our current planetary crisis is to adopt the cruelty-free lifestyle. Mr. Renato Pichler, who leads the Swiss Union for Vegetarianism, is president of the European Vegetarian Union and vice president of Animal Party Switzerland, spoke about the adverse economic consequences of meat consumption. Presenting compelling scientific data, he explained the damaging impacts of animal-based food production and consumption on water, land, and air as he encouraged European governments to support farmers growing vegetables or fruits rather than continuing to subsidize meat and milk production.
In his presentation, Mr. Jim McNamara, Educational Director of the Organic College in Limerick, Ireland, introduced this unique school that provides students with conceptual knowledge along with hands-on experience in organic growing and sustainable development. He stated, “Organic is a message of hope. It embodies the craft of growing and the wisdom and philosophy of many millennia. It requires patience, renewal and most of all witnesses that will share with others our creative collective intelligence. The gains for being such effective witnesses and working co-operatively are not just for the human family, but for all creatures on this fragile Earth.” Mrs. Margaret Langerhorst of Austria, who with her husband runs a successful organic vegan farm ( described their switch to the vegan lifestyle from a background of livestock and dairy farming after realizing their compassion for the animals. They and their five children are now all healthy vegans. Mrs. Langerhorst lovingly shared tips with the audience on how to carefully develop layers of compost from plant matter and other material, to ensure the health of the soil and harmonious growth of plants, which she noted are the basis for the existence of both the animal and human kingdoms. She said, “Life brings us to awareness where we realize that love and gratitude are the gates to bliss. This awareness contributes to peace in all being.”
Acclaimed German designer Christian Vagedes, who is also president of the Vegan Society of Germany as well as author of the book veg up: die veganisierung der welt (“Veg up, Veganizing the World”), delivered a powerful and inspirational speech in which he called on everyone to have the courage, imagination and compassion to shift to a plant-based lifestyle. He said, “If we are to stop destroying the rainforests, get a grip on hunger in the world within the next fifty years and save our oceans from being fished empty, if we really want to drastically reduce CO2 emissions and come to the aid of our biosphere, then we need no longer discuss whether veganization is daredevil or visionary, but need to discuss when to make a start.” With positive vision, he reminded the audience of the more than 500,000 vegans already in Germany as he pointed out, “All this should not frighten us, but encourage us and give us hope, for we will succeed, even without banquets and politicians. For love is the force that overcomes all in the universe, and the idea of veganizing arose from the love of all life.” Other speakers included vegetarian Dutch film director Ms. Karen Soeters, whose deeply moving documentary Meat the Truth has been much-lauded around the world; Dr. Jérôme Bernard-Pellet, French vegan physician and co-founder of Apsares, Association of Health Professionals for a Responsible Diet; Ms. Deborah Brown Pivain, manager of Gentle Gourmet, the first vegan bed & breakfast guest house in Paris and president of the annually celebrated Paris Vegan Day, promoting the plant-based way of life; Mr. Fréderic Freund, vegetarian French director of Aid to Animals in Abattoirs (OABA), an organization working to end the cruelty of animals being sent for slaughter; and Princess Maja von Hohenzollern of the European Animal and Nature Protection Group (ETN) and 2-time honored recipient of the European Animal Welfare Award. Greeting the conference participants via video message were Mr. Pierre Rabhi, famous French writer, philosopher, organic farmer and founder of Colibris (Hummingbird), Movement for Earth and Humanism, as well as Mr. Jean Montagard, French pioneer chef of vegetarian cuisine, who described the first national vegan cooking competition that he co-organized in France. As presented by a representative for Supreme Master Ching Hai, all the prestigious speakers received either the Organic Green Vegan Hero Award or the Green Vegan Hero Award as well as Appreciation Letters in recognition of their courage, unprecedented work and vision that has contributed to the awakening of many fellow humans toward ending the pain and suffering of our animal friends.
Ms. Michele Scharapan, the famous French vegan pianist, then delighted the audience with her wonderful music. Having given concerts and performed in international festivals throughout North America, Africa, and Europe, Ms. Scharapan takes her message of animal rights wherever she goes. When one of Association members sang as she played John Lennon’s song “Imagine,” the touching atmosphere moved all the participants to join in song together. In addition to this notable series of presentations, a wonderful photographic exhibition also displayed highlights of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s book, The Noble Wilds. Guests were then treated to an abundant delicious vegan buffet, with many people offering positive feedback on the food, exhibition and conference. Some said they were happy to participate in this first international event on the organic vegan way of life in France, while others pledged to immediately switch to the plant-based diet. Some also conveyed their interest in learning the Quan Yin meditation method. Mr. Leenaert commented that he felt a very strong love during the event, which was reflected on the peaceful, smiling faces of all the attendees. Impressed by the success of the event, many conference participants from different organizations and fields expressed their intention to cooperate with our Association on future projects to spread the vegan message. We thank EVA for co-organizing this important occasion and
appreciate all the distinguished guest speakers for sharing their crucial
information, time and love on the compassionate organic plant-based
diet. May the book From Crisis to Peace reach readers in all
corners of the world, with people everywhere adopting the vegan lifestyle
to save the Earth.