International Reports





The Secret Of Uplifting
Our Soul

Report From

When fellow initiates at the Tokyo Center heard that the Au Lac refugees in Ohmura, Nagasaki-Ken (south of Japan) needed some warm clothes for the winter, they immediately sent clothes and other necessities to them.

In the beginning, they thought they were just following Master's instructions to help people in need. However, a few days later, unexpectedly they received a thank-you letter. The fellow practitioners were deeply touched by the refugees' purity and gratitude.

By witnessing the suffering of the refugees, they realized that helping others is actually helping themselves; their mind was broadened and their spiritual practice also improved a great deal. They finally realized that helping others is the secret of uplifting their souls.

They are grateful that Master had offered them a chance to learn and grow. Fellow initiates in Tokyo will continue to help those who are in need.

   < Thank you letter >

To The Kind People:

( Originally in Au Lac, Japanese )

First, we would like to express our gratitude. We very much appreciate your gifts, especially the warm clothes for the winter. This is the fifth time that we have received gifts from your organization. According to your instruction, we have already distributed the gifts to the people in the refugee camp.

We left our country, our community, wandering in foreign lands, and your love and enthusiasm has warmed our hearts. All of us in the refugee camps are very appreciative of your assistance, and sincerely thank you.

On behalf of the Au Lac boat people, we wish you good health, both physically and spiritually.

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