96/Panorama De Eventos/Formosa
Panorama De Eventos

Reportagem da Formosa

Happy Bird Summer Camp
— a lot of joy.

Happy Bird Summer Camp Imbues Love, Positiveness And Thankfulness To God

[Report From Taichung] During the August 22-23 weekend before school opened for the fall semester, endless laughter reverberated through the beautifully serene Delia Church camp grounds at a special activity for young initiates held by the Taichung Center. About a hundred children and teenagers enjoyed an experience of infinite love at the Happy Bird Summer Camp featuring a diverse variety of programs designed to imperceptibly imbue love, positivism and thankfulness into their daily lives.

Through this two-day and one-night camping event, the very young initiates learned to be independent and self-reliant, while the older juvenile initiates learned to love, respect, and be concerned about others. And of course, the parent initiates were both touched and appreciative of these remarkable changes in their children.

Childhood Dreams

Report From Kaoping] The Laiyi Center held a series of exciting, entertaining family programs during summer vacation for the "little children," "grown-up children" and the "old children". The programs included stage performances by the darling little angels, highly competitive games and other activities such as: a creative food fair, an art exhibition featuring works by Supreme Master Ching Hai, fitness and cosmetic consultations, and a thematic display of the "beauty of scarves". The events attracted large crowds that filled the arena with cheerful laughter throughout the day.

A Midsummer Night's Date With Beauty

The Celestial Clothes change a person both within and without.

[Taichung] The Taichung Center held a series of workshops on dance, poise, appearance and how to apply make-up as well as a celestial fashion show to help initiates who have Celestial Clothes to better understand how to dress with confidence and wear beautifully matching outfits and accessories. This central Formosan show also offered an opportunity for other initiates to appreciate the marvelous and different appearances of those dressed in Celestial Clothes. With daily practice, every model became more and more beautiful and elegant. Many sisters perceived changes within themselves both in heart and body, and experienced an uplifting of the inner qualities of Truth, virtue and beauty, once they were dressed in Celestial Clothes.

They also learned to help each other and to grow together. Many expressed their appreciation to Master Ching Hai for blessing the Celestial Clothes with wisdom and love, and for encouraging them to go bravely into the world for spiritual purposes, to beautify this planet, and to use the world's material resources to help the global family of brothers and sisters develop spiritually. The audience was amazed to see these everyday simply dressed sisters transformed into beautiful, graceful ladies that seemed to have come from the heavenly world.
The Taichung Center holds a number of diverse activities including these Chinese folk music classes.

Meanwhile, the Taichung Center set up Chinese folk music classes for those interested in learning to play the flute and nan-hu. Participants enthusiastically led by the musically proficient brother Wang presented a warm picture of musical harmony. As each participant, whether old or young, practices diligently, the sound of music from the flute or nan-hu will make each day more interesting and fulfilling.

Atividades "Dia Saudável" da Loving Food

A Loving Food Store criou uma mistura para bolo sem ovos que requer somente cinco minutos de preparação antes de ficar pronto para ir ao forno.
Aula de Culinária da Loving Food

[Taipei] Todo quarto Domingo de cada mês, a Loving Food Store (loja de alimentos naturais) em Taipei patrocina uma série de atividades em homenagem ao Dia da Saúde, nas quais incluem palestras e aulas de culinária vegetariana, atraindo muitos visitantes à loja. Essas atividades, além de proporcionar um melhor relacionamento com a comunidade, também auxilia na divulgação do vegetarianismo. As palestras oferecem informações mais recentes sobre assuntos relacionados à saúde e aos efeitos maléficos do excesso de proteína animal para o corpo e para a pele, sobre as possíveis carências nutricionais para aqueles que adotaram uma dieta vegetariana e como manter essa dieta bem equilibrada.


China Daily News de 24 de agosto de 1998

A Suprema Mestra Ching Hai Associação Internacional
Faz Mutirão para Coleta de Lixo em Chingtan

Pela Repórter Su Yi-chieh, Chiayi

Os moradores de Chingtan estavam há muito tempo aborrecidos com a sujeira e a desordem deixada pelos visitantes que freqüentavam o pitoresco Lago das Orquídeas em Chiayi, ponto central e turístico de Formosa. Em resposta à campanha "Jogue o lixo no lixo" da Secretaria de Proteção do Meio Ambiente, cerca de cem membros do Centro de Chiayi da Suprema Mestra Ching Hai Associação Internacional fizeram mutirão para recolher todo o lixo deixado pelos usuários do Lago das Orquídeas e do Lago Jenyi e também nas imediações, no dia 23 de agosto.

Na mesma proporção que suas sacolas se enchiam de lixo, seus corações também iam se enchendo de amor. Esse foi o sentimento descrito por alguns colegas que participaram da operação limpeza.

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