Amor en Acción

La Maestra siempre ha estado extremadamente preocupada acerca de los desastres que ocurren alrededor del mundo. Cuando recibe noticias sobre desastres en cualquier lugar, Ella inmediatamente presta ayuda, proveyendo ayuda financiera así como despachando equipos de rescate, para ayudar en las áreas afectadas. A través de dichos esfuerzos de alivio, también estamos transmitiendo el amor de la Maestra a las víctimas del desastre. Es evidente que el amor incondicional de la Maestra, su bendición silenciosa y ayuda, han reducido desastres alrededor del mundo a un mínimo.

En reconocimiento a las acciones generosas de todos los gobiernos, organizaciones y trabajadores de ayuda de cada rincón del mundo, la Maestra desea transmitir el siguiente mensaje de agradecimiento: "Gracias a toda la ayuda internacional, que trae cuidado y necesidades a las víctimas aquejadas. Gracias a todos los trabajadores de ayuda, por tomarse el tiempo y por renunciar a su propia comodidad, incluso viajando una gran distancia en caminos desfavorables para traer amor y asistencia a personas en tiempos de necesidad. Que el Cielo los bendiga abundantemente por su generosidad y noble sacrificio".


En respuesta a las instrucciones de la Maestra, el 7 de febrero de 2008, miembros del Equipo de Ayuda para Desastres de EEUU y Costa Rica viajaron a Bolivia para ayudar a las víctimas de las recientes inundaciones torrenciales del país, trayendo con ellos la amorosa preocupación de la Maestra y una contribución de US$10,000.

La Maestra Responde Todas las Oraciones
By Bolivia Relief Team (Originally in English)

In response to Master’s instructions, on February 7, 2008, members of the Disaster Relief Team from the USA and Costa Rica traveled to Bolivia to help victims of the country’s recent torrential floods, bringing with them Master’s loving concern and US$10,000 contribution.

In Santa Cruz, the team learned that those affected by the floods already had enough food, so they handed out many SOS and Alternative Living flyers to people at the bus station and in the city center. After reading the flyers many recipients were grateful for the materials, while others asked where they could find more information as they were concerned about the world’s critical climate situation.

In the Council of Trinidad, the team contacted the President of the Red Cross, Doctor Cesar Ligeron, who arranged for them to visit communities in need of assistance. There, the initiates learned that the local people were in urgent need of food, especially milk for the children. The victims said that they had been praying very hard and added, “God always listens to our prayers and it is true because now you are here.” The team then bought the requested food such as rice, beans and milk, and with the help of 20 marines at the Infantry Battalion of Marina quickly packed the items into relief packages. The marines told the initiates that it was a good experience to work with a group that genuinely cares for and loves others.

Then the team members sincerely prayed to Master to guide them to the neediest people, and that morning a military official, Colonel Edwin Quintana, gave them a list of 800 flood-affected families. The initiates next distributed the food to these families, many of which had elderly members who were surprised and touched by the relief team’s consideration and overwhelmingly grateful to Master for remembering them and answering their prayers. To the communities that they couldn’t reach directly, the team entrusted the food packs to Father Maximiliano Noe for further distribution.

he relief team members give heartfelt thanks to Master for the opportunity to share Her love with the people of Bolivia who really needed it and hope they can also feel this Love deep within their hearts.

Gastos de la Maestra Suprema Ching Hai
and Her International Association
for Flood Relief Work in Bovilia


Amount (Bolivianos)

Receipt No.

Food (ice, flour, cooking oil, cereal, corn, milk)


A1 ~ A4

Transportation (air tickets, taxi, car rental, bus), flyers, accommodations, communication, misc. 




(Bs) 122,416.31   US$16,107.41   


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