Panorama de Eventos

Hong Kong

Dieta Vegetariana SOS Promocionado en la Feria del Libro

Dieta Vegetariana SOS Promocionado en la Feria del Libro

Por el Grupo de Noticias de Hong Kong (Originalmente en chino)

[Hong Kong] The Hong Kong “Go Green and Save Energy” 2008 Book Fair held from July 23 to 29, Golden Year 5 (2008) was a sensational event, attracting a record 830,000 visitors. Everywhere in the venue posters carrying the message “Global Warming is an Emergency; Environmental Protection Depends on You,” reminded guests to treasure resources and love our Earth. Exhibitors received brochures printed on eco-friendly material and only a few necessary items were distributed.

To more effectively promote the ideal of saving the Earth through the vegetarian lifestyle, our Hong Kong Center produced a booklet from “Healthy Vegetarian Era 3” and the “Global Warming Special Report,” that included comprehensive and updated information about global warming, the negative effects of the livestock industry, and the world food crisis. In addition, it discussed the benefits of a plant-based diet and provided vegetarian nutrition information as well as a list of vegetarian foodstuff suppliers. This practical handbook was so widely welcomed that even Buddhist groups and green groups volunteered to help distribute it. Fellow initiates also took the initiative to provide information about global warming to other exhibitors and prominent people in the cultural circle. All were delighted to receive the information; some left their contact details hoping to get in touch with our Center later.

Durante la feria del libro también fueron distribuidas 43.000 copias de recetas vegetarianas y 2.000 DVDs SOS del cambio climático. Esto definitivamente animará a más personas a Hacerse Vegetarianas y Ser Ecológicas.