Panorama de Eventos


[Liaoning] El 26 de junio, Año Dorado 5 (2008), los hermanos iniciados participaron en la Feria Internacional de la Protección del Medio Ambiente China 2008, en Dalian

Marcando el Comienzo de la Era Vegetariana

Por compañeros iniciados de China (Originalmente en chino)

[Liaoning] On June 26, Golden Year 5 (2008), the 2008 China International Environmental Protection Fair opened in Dalian, which has been ranked among the “World’s 500 Greenest Cities” by the United Nations. The Dalian Golden Harvest Restaurant, the Happy Vegetarian Buns, and the House of Love Vegetarian Restaurant participated in this three-day event, exhibiting vegetarian food and offering free food sampling. About 6,000 guests visited our booth. Many were surprised by the delicious cuisine offered and some wanted to learn vegetarian cooking. The Vegetarian House name cards and vegetarian recipes were quickly distributed.

Fellow initiates showed several videos including “Devour the Earth,” “The Inconvenient Truth,” and “Hidden Tears Behind the Iron Wall.” Many guests felt deep remorse that humans are inflicting such suffering on animals just to satisfy their palate, and at the same time pushing the Earth to the verge of destruction. The Dalian Evening News and the New Commercial News reported the dazzling impact of our organization’s participation on the fair.

Dalian also hosted the 2008 China (Dalian) International Youth and Children Necessities Fair from July 26 to 28. The three restaurants again held vegetarian food tasting and sales promotion at the fair, attracting many children and their parents. The vegetarian delicacies exquisitely prepared by fellow initiates were warmly welcomed by the guests. Many young parents acknowledged that the vegetarian diet is healthy and green, and eagerly consulted our working members on vegetarian cooking. They said that they would encourage their children to eat more vegetarian food and ensure their diet is safe and nutritious.

En nuestro puesto, se mostró un vídeo corto acerca de líderes mundiales y científicos instando a la gente a hacerse vegetarianos para salvar a la Tierra, y se distribuyó material informativo gratuito, como "Enseñándote a Cocinar Vegetariano" y "Los Beneficios de la Dieta Vegetariana". Se prepararon juguetes de animales para los niños, recordándoles hacerse vegetarianos para proteger a los amorosos animales. Los compañeros iniciados están encantados y sorprendidos de descubrir que la gente acepta de buena gana el concepto de que hacerse vegetariano puede detener la crisis del calentamiento global. Gracias a la gracia de Dios, se está desplegando una hermosa era vegetariana en la Tierra.