[Taipei] El 22 de agosto del Año Dorado 5 (2008), compañeros iniciados locales distribuyeron volantes SOS en la Exhibición Vegetariana Saludable. El 23 y 31 de agosto, la Compañía Teatral de Marionetas Océano de Amor realizó un total de seis presentaciones en el Museo de Cerámica Yingge. El 31 de agosto, nuestra Asociación fue invitada a participar en la Feria No a la Carne - No al Calentamiento.
[Taoyuan] On Sep. 21 our association members participated in the International Car-Free Day.
[Taichung] Lecture on Healthy Diet
[Nantou] Star Entertainer Supports Plant-based Diet
[Nantou] Officials Declare Love for Earth at Press Conference
[Changhua] Veg Campaign at Elementary School
[Chiayi] global warming could be reversed by being veg and going green
[Yunlin] In support of the Yunlin County Governments energy saving and carbon reduction project, the Revenue Service Bureau held a seminar to convey the message to the citizens.
[Tainan] Kick Carbon Concert
[Kaohsiung] Volantes distribuidos antes de que azote el tifón
Nationwide Movement to Save the Planet
Report compiled by Formosa News Groups (Originally in Chinese)
The on-going campaign by Formosan fellow initiates advocating the theme “Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet” has received significant response from around the country. With Formosa listed as the world’s 11th largest emitter of carbon dioxide emissions, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy Bureau encouraged 116 major local enterprises to form the Corporate Energy Saving Service Group in order to work together to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. The group set a three-year target reduction of 6%, aiming to decrease oil consumption by 781,000 kiloliters and carbon dioxide emissions by 2.14 million tons, an amount that could only be offset by reforesting 143,000 hectares of land. The following are reports on the “Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet” activities held throughout Formosa. Going Veg One Day a Week
[Taipei] On August 22, Golden Year 5 (2008), local fellow initiates distributed SOS flyers and other informative materials at the Healthy Vegetarian Exhibition held at the Taipei World Trade Center. Loving Hut pamphlets, printed with the addresses and menus of the restaurants around Formosa, were distributed to give people more eco-friendly dining choices. On August 23 and 31, the Love Ocean Puppet Troupe presented a total of six performances at the Yingge Ceramic Museum. Their show “The Birds and Dogs in My Life—The Loving Words of Animals” was aimed at awaking compassion in humans and inspiring them to become vegetarians to save themselves and the endangered species.
On August 31, our Association was invited to participate in the No Meat-No Heat Fair held by the ROC Animal Welfare and Environmental Protection Society at Da An Park. The SOS Save the Planet film was shown throughout the day and billboards carrying the No Meat-No Heat message were erected around the park. No Meat-No Heat Camp
Lishan Senior High School, National Taiwan University’s Light and Sound Club, and National Taiwan Normal University’s Development Club jointly held a No Meat-No Heat Camp beginning July 8. During the three-day activity, participants enjoyed first-hand experience of fighting global warming through a plant-based diet. They took vegan cooking classes, watched the inspiring movie The Day after Tomorrow, practiced the art of tea drinking, attended a No Meat-No Heat brainstorming session, and had lessons in martial arts and drum beating that gave them a tranquil mind and stronger body. The camp goal was to prepare these young people to share their positive vibrations and the message— Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet. “Starry Sky” Campus Book Exhibition
From September 24 to 28, at Denggong Elementary School in Danshui, the Taipei County Government held the “2008 Starry Sky Reading Project” Campus Book Exhibition that included a contest to select outstanding books. The No. 1 bestsellers in bookstores and online bookstores throughout the country, Las Aves en Mi Vida,, Los Perros en Mi Vida,, Los Nobles Animales Silvestres, “La Realización de la Salud”y Pensamientos sobre la Vida y la Conciencia were on display at this exhibition. Sister initiates invited many children to read aloud the touching stories of the swans, doggies and feathery friends to the visitors. We are thankful to these children for helping people realize the loving, compassionate paradise of the vegan lifestyle. Bikes Only on Car-Free Day
[Taoyuan] In support of International Car-Free Day, on September 21, the Taoyuan County Government held a car-free event in front of the High-speed Rail Station, attracting about 2,000 cyclists. Our Association supported the activity and distributed SOS Save the Planet flyers to participants and guests. It was an excellent opportunity to let these environmentally concerned citizens know that leading a vegan lifestyle is important to ecological conservation. Lecture on Healthy Diet
[Taichung] Local fellow initiates have been sharing information on global warming with teachers and students of elementary and junior high schools through vibrant talks and vegetarian food-tasting to help them understand the crisis and change their lifestyle. Scientific reports and DVDs from various media have been distributed and cooking demonstrations held. Star Entertainer Supports Plant-based Diet [Nantou] Deeply concerned about the wellbeing of animals, prominent entertainer Tan Ai-zhen became a vegetarian 20 years ago. She is currently hosting a culinary television show that advocates the vegetarian diet and animal welfare. Realizing the critical situation of global warming, she accepted an invitation from the Puli Township Library and The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association to give a lecture on the plant-based diet as the fastest, simplest and most efficient way to halt global warming through reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions. Our Association provided a sumptuous vegan lunch, which received loving praises from the participants. Officials Declare Love for Earth at Press Conference In support of the central government’s action plan to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, the Nantou County Government held a press conference at the County Hall on August 29 with Deputy Magistrate Chen Chi-ching and top county officials signing a ten-point green declaration. Sand artist Zhuang Ming-da illustrated the importance of energy conservation with a live sand painting presentation. Director Yan Jia-xian of the Environmental Protection Bureau said that one of the county government’s top priorities is to promote a plant-based diet to save energy and reduce carbon emissions. The County Hall cafeteria now offers less meat and more local and seasonal fruit and vegetables. The Bureau led the way by providing guests and reporters with delicious, eco-friendly, plant-based meal boxes. Veg Campaign at Elementary School
[Changhua] On October 1, local fellow initiates shared the “Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet” message at Xishi Elementary School in Fuxing Township. They were warmly welcomed by principal Liang Zhun-xi and more than 30 teachers. Fellow initiates prepared a sumptuous vegetarian lunch which all the teachers heartily enjoyed. In the afternoon, a sister initiate from the Faculty of Education at Changhua University delivered a brief lecture on going veg to fight global warming, citing research findings and theories by climate scientists and EP experts, supplemented by spiritual ideals. Mr. Liang thanked the fellow initiates and hoped that everyone would work together to do their part to save the Earth. In fact, through everyone’s concerted efforts, the No Meat-No Heat message is taking root. Taking the First Step [Chiayi] On August 24, The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association, in cooperation with the Chiayi County Environmental Protection Bureau and the Chen Xiu-lian Education Foundation, shared the message that global warming could be reversed by being veg and going green. Posters were put up and Supreme Master Television programs were shown at Xingang Junior High School, where participants received an eco-friendly shopping bag and a copy of the 2008 Earth Day Bulletin. A delicious lunch featuring nutritious and healthy plant-based delicacies was served and a vegetarian cooking demonstration was held. Local inhabitants were reminded that they have at least three opportunities each day to save the Earth. Just try to be veg and go green! Revenue Service Lends Its Support
In support of the Yunlin County Government’s energy saving and carbon reduction project, the Revenue Service Bureau held a seminar to convey the message to the citizens. Our Association was invited to organize the seminar held on August 26. Mr. Chou Chia-fu, a researcher at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Physics, was invited to deliver a talk on the actions we should take to fight global warming. About 170 participants from 10 townships attended the seminar. They were treated to vegetarian hamburgers so delicious that they became more open to adopting a plant-based diet to reduce carbon emissions. All the vegetarian recipe booklets were taken. Bureau Chief He Yi-fan said he hopes that everyone would try to eat more vegetarian meals, or better still, become pure vegetarian. “Kick Carbon” Concert [Tainan] On August 16, our Tainan Center held a Be Veg, Go Green, Save the Planet seminar in Xinhua. It featured a briefing on the latest climate change information, the showing of the film Tears behind the Iron Fence, a mini concert, and a discussion by doctors on a healthy diet and eating veg to halt global warming. Xinhua Mayor Yao Xi-hai and township representatives were grateful to our Association for holding this meaningful event. He appealed to the public to reduce their carbon footprint and ensure a better living environment for our descendants. For the guests, the banquet lunch was a wonderful introduction to a vegetarian lifestyle. In the evening, a “Kick Carbon” concert was held in front of the Yang Kui-wen Cultural Hall. While enjoying the fun, people also received the important message that the plant-based diet is the best way to protect the Earth. On August 16 and 17, a carbon emissions reduction exhibition was held at the cultural hall, which received positive response. Teach the Elderly Vegetarian Cooking Skills
On April 26, Tainan Center’s Anti-Global Warming Group held a seminar and vegetarian food-tasting event at the Yanshui Elderly Welfare Association. Due to an overwhelming number of requests, fellow initiates then offered a 12-week vegetarian cooking class for its members, who compiled the recipes into a vegetarian cook book and prepared dishes for presentation on September 5. The participants of the class cooked more than 20 courses of colorful, aromatic and delicious vegetarian delicacies for more than a hundred guests. The meal was accompanied by a professional violin performance of musical compositions by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Yanshui Mayor Yan jin-shi took the opportunity to encourage everyone to adopt a vegetarian diet to fight global warming. Mr. Chen Qi-duan, president of the Welfare Association, presented a letter of gratitude to The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in appreciation of their earnest effort in informing people of the pending climate crisis and offering the vegetarian diet as a solution. Students Learn about Global Warming
In July and August, our Anti-Global Warming Group gave talks on climate change and the No Meat-No Heat initiative at the invitation of the Wilderness Conservation Association in Tainan and Chiayi, and the HuaTe Vocational High School of Technology & Home Economics in Kaoshiung County. In September, they shared the SOS message in elementary and secondary schools. Targeting teachers and students of different ages, they made different multimedia presentations and distributed SOS flyers. At Taizi Junior High School, almost half of the students are willing to take vegetarian meals for at least one day a week. Deputy Magistrate Yan Cun-zuo of Tainan County earnestly advocated going veg to fight global warming by encouraging the students to eat more vegetables and less meat. Fellow initiates’ efforts on school campuses are beginning to bear fruit.
Volantes distribuidos antes de que azote el tifón
[Kaohsiung] El 27 de agosto, justo antes de que el tifón Jangmi entrara en el sur de Formosa, miembros de nuestra Asociación en Kaohsiung se dieron prisa a distribuir los volantes SOS y boletines acerca del cambio climático entre el público. Mientras leen esta invaluable información en casa durante la tormenta, esperamos que la gente se dé cuenta de los efectos perjudiciales que tiene la industria cárnica en nuestros patrones climáticos en dramático incremento y que además adapten sus hábitos alimenticios escogiendo una dieta vegana amigable con el medio ambiente.