Mongolia Occidental Da la Bienvenida a la Presencia Divina
Por el Grupo de Noticias de Mongolia (Originalmente en mongol)
![]() [Ulaanbaatar] On July 22, (Golden Year 5), joined by brothers and sisters from Korea, Mongolian initiates headed west to Khovd and Zavkhan provinces, about 1,500 km from the capital of Ulaanbaatar, to inform truth seekers about Master’s divine presence here on Earth through a video seminar. Their long journey proved rewarding, as all 380 attendees at the seminar stayed to learn the Convenient Method of meditation! Also, about 140 of the spiritual aspirants requested initiation into the Quan Yin Method of meditation. The new practitioners easily adapted to the vegetarian lifestyle, with assistance from the local Centers newly opened in Khovd and Zavkhan. Here, they took cooking classes, purchased soy protein products and other vegetarian foods, now knowing that these are beneficial to human health and environmental sustainability. Desde los ocho Centros establecidos en los últimos cuatro años, ¡el pueblo de Mongolia ahora tiene la opción de cambiar sus antiguos hábitos alimenticios a una forma alternativa de vivir que puede ayudar a salvar a nuestro mundo! Los iniciados de Mongolia también han trabajado con canales locales de televisión para transmitir las conferencias de la Maestra y los programas de Supreme Master Television.